Special Projects For Improving The Classroom Experience (SPICE)
classroom innovation

Classroom Innovation



Classroom Innovation

Funds are available through the Student Success Fee to develop and implement innovative or proven effective approaches to instruction. The focus of funding shall be on instructional approaches designed for either the physical or virtual classroom which lead to greater student learning. All tenured faculty, probationary faculty, lecturers, librarians, counselors, and coaches who comprise Unit 3 employees are eligible to submit proposals. Proposals may be submitted by individual faculty or by faculty teams.

View Proposal and Rubric

Plan a Proposal

Enhance Your Classroom Experience

Plan your proposal by answering these questions

Question 1

Describe the purpose of the request and the anticipated impact.

Question 2

Describe the scope of the project.

Question 3

Address sustainability issues.

Question 4

What resources do you need to complete the project?

Question 5

Is your project in the PolyX Hub?

Question 6

Describe how your project supports flexible learning modalities

Project Eligibility

Eligible Projects and Costs

We are eager to support projects that aim to revolutionize the educational experience. Eligible projects should align with our commitment to fostering innovation, inclusivity, and enriching the learning journey. The following types of projects are examples of what we seek:

Request for IT and Facilities Cost Estimates

If applicable, proposal budgets must include rough estimates provided by Information Technology & Institutional Planning (IT&IP) and/or Academic Resources and Planning as appropriate. For example, if a proposal calls for computer equipment installation, IT&IP must provide a rough estimate of the total cost of equipment, plus installation. If the room where the computer equipment will be installed requires additional electrical outlets, proposers should contact Andrew Naranjo, Capital Projects Specialist in Academic Affairs.

Ineligible Projects and Costs

Faculty travel to conferences, research not related to coursework, and projects not related to the classroom experiences of students.

* If there is a lack of eligible proposals for funding, the remaining available funds may be transferred to Modernize Classroom Equipment.

Submit a SPICE Proposal 

SPICE Application

SPICE Application

For proposal submission, the components noted in planning your proposal will be entered into the InfoReady proposal submission and review platform. Please note that proposals may be submitted starting on November 15th, 2024, and are due on February 24th, 2025, by 11:59pm.

Submit a Proposal



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