Classroom Modernization

Modernize Classroom Equipment
The Special Projects For Improving The Classroom Experience (SPICE) is a grant initiative funded by the Student Success Fee. It aims to improve student learning by supporting the development and implementation of innovative teaching methods and new course experiences in both physical and virtual classrooms. The grant also provides funds for enhancing classroom and lab equipment, including software and specialized furniture. This includes creating accessible online course materials, inviting guest speakers, developing high-quality hybrid courses, and other resource provisions.

Enhance Your Classroom Experience
Plan your proposal by answering these questions
Question 1
Describe the purpose of the request and the anticipated impact.
Question 2
Describe the scope of the project.
Question 3
Address sustainability issues.
Question 4
What resources do you need to complete the project?
Question 5
Is your project in the PolyX Hub?
Question 6
Describe how your project supports flexible learning modalities.

Eligible Projects and Costs
Projects must address classroom or lab equipment or software. Eligible projects include but are not limited to lab and classroom equipment, new equipment, replacing or upgrading equipment, specialized software, and non-standard classroom furniture. Costs for the purchase and installation of equipment, room upgrades, and necessary building infrastructure upgrades should be addressed in the proposal.
Request for IT and Facilities Cost Estimates
If applicable, proposal budgets must include rough estimates provided by Information Technology & Institutional Planning (IT&IP) and/or Academic Resources and Planning as appropriate. For example, if a proposal calls for computer equipment installation, IT&IP must provide a rough estimate of the total cost of equipment, plus installation. If the room where the computer equipment will be installed requires additional electrical outlets, proposers should contact Andrew Naranjo, Capital Projects Specialist in Academic Affairs.
Ineligible Projects and Costs
Room upgrades/facility modifications that do not support student learning, standard classroom furniture, consumables (e.g., sheet metal, test tubes), routine/recurring maintenance and repair needs.
*If there is a lack of eligible proposals for funding, the remaining available funds may be transferred to Innovative Approaches to Instruction.

SPICE Application
For proposal submission, the components noted in planning your proposal will be entered into the InfoReady proposal submission and review platform. Please note that proposals may be submitted starting on November 15th, 2024, and are due on February 24th, 2025, by 11:59pm.