Survivor Advocacy Services


Where to Report

Your safety is important. Find a place where you are safe from further harm.
Call 911. If you are in the midst of any kind of emergency or immediate harm, do not hesitate to contact UPD or call 911.


It’s OK not to go through law enforcement. And if you decide to start, you can stop at any time.

You don’t have to go through this alone. You have the right to a support person at any point in the process. That can be a loved one, SAS advocate, or a survivor advocate from your local rape crisis center.

If you decide to work with law enforcement, be prepared: it can be a long process, and some survivors/victims find it retraumatizing.

This guide is specific to the Los Angeles County law enforcement agencies we worked with.  The process might be different in other parts of the state or U.S.

If you have experienced or witnessed sexual violence, sexual harassment, dating violence/intimate partner violence, stalking, invasion of sexual privacy, or sexual exploitation, you have the right (and the choice) to report. Your reporting options include making a report to the University, making a report to the law enforcement, making reports to both, and not reporting at all.

Reporting can be a complicated and intensely personal decision. Survivors/victims are encouraged to consult confidential resources on campus that can provide individuals with support and basic information about options and available resources on and off campus.

SAS is NOT a reporting office, but rather a place for survivors to get confidential emotional support, a safe space, and non‑judgmental assistance with reporting options, navigating systems, and/or resources on and off campus to help individuals make informed decisions. You do not have to file a report with the UPD or OEC (Title IX Office) to utilize our services. SAS advocates are trained to help individuals who are impacted by sexual violence this includes: sexual assault, dating violence, intimate partner violence, stalking, and sexual harassment.

In many cases, a meeting with a SAS advocate can act as a consult to explore if engaging with reporting process is the best fit for the survivor’s goals. If a survivor/victim chooses to report, a SAS advocate can be present during the process to accompany the survivor/victim to the initial interview, and any needed follow up meetings this also includes when individuals get a medical exam and during other parts of the investigation process.

The SAS advocate can also help you find emergency shelter, connect you to counseling and meet other needs you may have during the reporting and investigation process.

Note: If a campus-based sexual assault advocate cannot be reached, you may contact a local sexual assault/rape crisis center for immediate assistance.
Pomona's local sexual assault advocate is Project Sister Family Services (909) 626-4357 ,

The OEC (Title IX Office) is the office to report sexual harassment or sexual violence involving any member of the campus community.

OEC ( OEC (Title IX Office) is responsible for compliance with Title IX, including to report violation of the Executive Order 1095, 1096, and 1097 such as preventing sexual harassment and sexual violence.

A law enforcement officer can take a report, help with access to confidential support, and provide access to medical care after a sexual assault. The University Police Department is available for response 24/7.

Sexual assaults can be reported at any time (immediately following, days or years after the incident). Statutes of limitations vary, depending on the type of crime/sexual assault and by state. The evidence available, investigations and treatment options may also be impacted by the length of time that has passed since the assault. A sexual assault advocate/counselor or law enforcement can provide you with specific information related to these factors.

Law enforcement can provide emergency assistance for survivors/victims of violence. Talking to law enforcement does not mean you are committed to filing charges. Criminal charges may be pursued concurrently with other reporting options described below:

  1. If the incident occurred on campus (or on university property), survivors/victims can contact University Police (UPD) to report, and UPD will investigate. If the incident(s) occurred locally, but off campus, the police department of the city in which the crime occurred will conduct the investigation.

You can reach CPP University Police at (909) 869-3070,

  1. You can reach Pomona Police Department at (909) 620-2155, or their website
  1. If a sexual assault is in progress or you are in immediate harm, call 911. If the assault is over and you are in a safe place, call the non-emergency line.

A sexual assault forensic exam (SAFE) could be used to collect DNA evidence if the assault occurred within 120 hours. Specialized sexual assault nurse examiners collect samples from a victim/survivor that may contain DNA evidence to help a potential prosecution.

A victim/survivor has the right to have a support person with them and can say no to any part of the exam. Law enforcement involvement is optional – even if you do not want an investigation you can still have evidence collected.

There are two types of exams: a VAWA exam and evidentiary exam:
The difference between the two is the VAWA exam does not require a police report.

If a person decides they want a SAFE or VAWA exams, the sexual assault advocate can provide more detailed information and help coordinate response with police and the SAFE nurse.

How to help law enforcement gather evidence,

  • DO NOT Shower, bathe, or brush your teeth;
  • DO NOT change or throw away your clothes; if you have changed your clothing, preserve your clothes in a paper bag.
  • DO NOT wash your hands or comb your hair;
  • DO NOT disturb the area of the occurrence of the assault

There is no time limit for reporting and/or laying charges for a sexual assault.  But in any case, the sooner you call law enforcement, the easier it is for them to collect the evidence needed to determine the charge.

More information about sexual assault forensic exams:

Other Evidence

A sexual assault forensic exam is one way to preserve evidence, but it's not the only way. Here is a list of other evidence that can be preserved:

  • Video – from door cameras, surveillance cameras, social media posts, etc.
  • Names of people that may have information such as:
    • Eyewitnesses – people who saw behavior or level of intoxication before the assault or witnessed the assault
    • Outcry witnesses – people you told about what happened
  • Any messages or communication with the perpetrator, including voicemails, texts, email and social media messaging (taking screenshots can be helpful)
  • Information/documentation about or photos of injuries
  • Receipts – showing where you were or what you were doing

Note:  Per California Penal Code §§11160, all medical providers in California are required to notify law enforcement when they are treating an injury caused by “abusive or assaultive" behavior. This means that a healthcare provider may need to make a police report if their patient discloses that the injury they are seeking treatment for was caused by abuse or assault. The victim/survivor, however, has the right to not speak to law enforcement or share additional information.

Student Health Center
Bldg. 46 Main Entrance  
3801 W. Temple Ave.
Pomona, CA  91768
(909) 869-4000

Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center
1798 N. Garey Avenue
Pomona, CA 91767

Sexual Assault Forensic Exams are available at the Pomona Valley Hospital, in the the Family Education Resource Center 
Notes: See above “Evidence Collection " for more information

A sexual assault advocate can help someone navigate any potential report made by a medical provider. For example, if someone does not wish to report to law enforcement, the counselor/advocate can help say no to a police report without feeling intimated.

Cal Poly Pomona is located in Los Angeles County, and the nearest court is the Pomona Superior Court House. There, you can file for cases in family law, civil law, and criminal law. 

This link will provide a list of all the forms that Los Angeles County uses:

Los Angeles County has several courthouses which may provide different services which you can look for here:
There are also self-help centers located throughout the county to support those who may not be familiar with how to file a claim in court:

Los Angeles County District Attourney's Office 
Pomona's Victim Services Office :

If you would like to file in a different county, here a few links which may help.
Orange County courthouses:
Riverside County courthouses: 
San Bernardino courthouses: