Approved IRA-Funded Activities

Rose Bowl Float
Working on the float.

Cradle Will Rock

Baja SAE
Building and Designing Prototype vehicles

Equestrian Team Riding English
Equestrian Team Performing at the Parade

Wind Ensemble
Wind Instrument Performance

Rain Bird Biotrek Experience

Dia De Los Muertos
Day of the Dead celebrated in November

Livestock Team
LA County Fair Livestock Team

Model UN
Model UN at the UN
- Annual Plant Student Career Day Contest (ALCA)
- Asian American Transnational Educational Enrichment Program (AATEEP)
- Athletics - Championships
- Baja SAE
- Biological Sciences Field Course Committee
- BioTrek
- Dance
- Dia de los Muertos/ Day of the Dead
- Diversity Ambassadors
- ENV Research Program in China
- Ethics Bowl
- Event Planning COMM 4446
- Formula SAE Electric
- Formula SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers
- Horse Show Team
- Intercollegiate Aerospace Engineering Student Activities
- Landscape Architecture Italy Program
- Livestock Show Team
- Mock Trial Association
- Model Organization of American States (MOAS)
- Music Board
- National Model United Nations (NMUN)
- Paris Study Abroad
- Poly Post
- Rebound Scholars
- Rose Float
- Theatre - Drama
- Turf and Irrigation