Center for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (CEMaST)


Faculty Fellow Program

We are in the process of restructuring our faculty fellows program to ensure we are meeting the goals of CEMaST. The process will consist of colleague nominations and self-nominations each spring for program participation in the following academic year. Faculty fellows will benefit from the program by having increased research and/or outreach collaboration opportunities, access to educational resources, and connections with existing K-12 partnerships. Interested in being a fellow or nominating a CPP colleague? Check out the nomination form! 

Nomination Form

Woman Teach Math


Awarded: $1.5 million
Award #: 1832405
Years: 2018 - Active

Cal Poly Pomona has received a $1.5 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF Award #1832405) for Hispanic-Serving Institutions to increase retention and graduation for students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). The acronym comes from the title of the project – Polytechnic for All: STEM Success via an Inclusive Institution. This is a five-year project opportunity for collaboration between the College of Science, the College of Engineering, the College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences, and the Faculty Center.


Children Learning


Awarded: $7.7 million
Award #: 1321242
Years: 2014-2019

The RESPeCT Program (Reinvigorating Elementary Science through a Partnership with California Teachers) was a large-scale research study funded by the National Science Foundation (#1321242). Cal Poly Pomona’s Center for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching (CEMaST) partnered with Pomona Unified School District, and the nonprofit organization BSCS Science Learning, to provide professional development for classroom teachers and teacher leaders Kindergarten through 6th grade.