Steps to the Single Subject Teaching Credential in Science or Mathematics at Cal Poly Pomona
Candidates must submit their university application as a graduate student seeking a teaching credential online at Cal State Apply.
Program Application Checklist: Applicants must use the Program Application Checklist to ensure all requirements are met.
Certificate of Clearance (Application and Fingerprints): A copy of a Certificate of Clearance document granted by the California Commissions on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) must be submitted as part of the program admissions process. A California Teaching Credential or Emergency Permit may be submitted in lieu of the Certificate of Clearance. The issuance date must not exceed 5 years. A copy of your document can be downloaded and printed from the CTC website within 60 days of your application submission.
Subject Matter Competence: Subject matter competency is required of all students prior to program admission. All candidates must verify subject matter competency through 1) completion of an academic major in the subject area of the credential being sought 2) completion of coursework addressing each of the Commission-adopted subject matter domains 3) completion of CSET exam(s) or 4) completion of a combination of coursework and examination(s) that meets or exceeds the subject matter domains. Submit the Subject Matter Competency Requirement Verification Request form for a review of your options. Please refer to Commission on Teacher Credentialing website for more information.
We know this can be confusing so please contact your Faculty Advisor to set up an advising appointment. In addition, you can contact the Single Subject Credential Analyst in the College of Education with further questions.
For FREE CSET prep resources go to Resources for Prospective STEM Teachers page.
Waivers: Chemistry Earth Science Foundational Science Life Science Mathematics Physics
Mix & Match Waivers: Chemistry Mix & Match Earth Science Mix & Match Physics Mix & Match
Foundational Science Mix & Match Life Science Mix & Match
Early Field Experience (EFE): Prior to admission into the Credential Program, each credential candidate must have participated in supervised Early Field Experience (EFE) with children at or close to the age range that students intend to teach. This experience must have taken place within the last four years and must consist of at least 45 clock hours of paid or volunteer experience. Submit the Early Field Experience Verification form with credential program application.
TB Clearance: TB Clearance must be provided by a medical professional and remain valid throughout clinical practice. TB tests are offered at Cal Poly's Student Health Center.
US Constitution Requirement: If you are a CSU graduate, you have already met this requirement. All other candidates: Completion of a course with a “C” or better (at least two semester units or three quarter units) in the provisions and principles of the United States Constitution or equivalent test. NOTE: This requirement is NOT required for Program Admissions, but must be met at the time of applying for an Intern Credential, or for the Preliminary Credential upon program completion.
Student Program Plan: Contact your Faculty Advisor to complete a Student Program Plan.
Academic and Experience with Youth Recommendations: The name and email address of a university or college professor (preferably someone in your discipline) who has been your instructor and the name and email address of a professional who has directly observed your work/interaction for a minimum of 20 hours with youth close to the age range that the students intend to teach must be provided on the credential program application.
Orientation: All teacher candidates must attend an orientation online or view a pre-recorded orientation video. Visit the Orientation page to view dates and times.
Statement of Purpose: In a thoughtful and well-constructed essay of 2-3 pages (600-900 words), candidates must analyze (not summarize): the personal and professional qualities you possess that will enable you to become an effective teacher in a culturally and linguistically diverse classroom and your expectations of the Teacher Education Program to become an effective teacher. Complete details are located on the credential program application.
Statement of Exceptional Admission: Candidates will need at least a 2.50 GPA in all baccalaureate and post-baccalaureate coursework or a GPA of at least 2.75 in the last 60 semester units attempted. If your GPA is below the minimum requirements a Statement of Exceptional Admission is required. Complete details are located on the credential program application.
Program Admission Interview: All credential candidates will participate in a group interview. Candidates will be contacted by the Credential Services Office to schedule an interview after submitting the credential program application and supporting documents.
Course Number | Course Title |
EDU 5010 (3) | Foundations of Teaching and Learning |
EDU 5020 (3) | Foundations of Education in a Diverse Society |
EDU 5200 (3) | Secondary Reading and Writing in the Content Areas |
EDU 5302 (3) | Educating Students with Disabilities in Diverse Settings |
EDU 5205 (3) | Secondary Curriculum and Methods |
EDU 5210 (3) | Teaching Secondary English Learners |
EDU 5215 (3) | Models of Secondary Instruction |
EDU 5220 (3) | Building Relationships with Youth, Families and Communities |
Course Number | Course Title |
EDU 5260 (8) | Single Subject Clinical Practice |
EDU 5262 (1) | Single Subject Seminar |
EDU 5280 (3) | Teaching Performance Assessment for Secondary Teachers |
Complete and submit the Credential Recommendation Form.
Complete the CSU Exit Survey.
Math & Science Advising
Science Advisor: Math Advisor:
Dr. Paul Beardsley Dr. Cristina Runnalls