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Student Affairs Leadership

Meet Student Affairs Leadership

The Division of Student Affairs serves the university community by providing intentional, student-centered programs and support services, creating opportunities that facilitate student development and enhance a student's sense of belonging at Cal Poly Pomona.

Supported by the Vice President for Student Affairs, the division's departments and units composed of over 300 staff members are involved in offering programs, services and support to students. The division employs hundreds of students annually and supports over 300 clubs and organizations, student emergency assistance and leadership programs.

The division is committed to and embraces a holistic model of student success. As Vice President for Student Affairs, VP Gonzales provides leadership for a wide range of programs and services that support students in their transition to the university and deepen out-of-class experiences.

VPSA and Dean of Students

Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students

Christina M. Gonzales

Executive Assistant

Gloria Quintana-Jimenez

Division Leadership

Senior Associate Vice President

Jonathan Grady, Ph.D.

Equity and Belonging

Associate Vice President

Megan Stang, Ed.D.

Student Experience

Associate Vice President

Hallie Lewis

Student Wellbeing and Support

Executive Director

Liz Roosa Millar, Ph.D.

Associated Students, Inc.


Brian Swanson

Intercollegiate Athletics

Office of the Vice President

Marketing and Communications Specialist

David Sedillo, M.B.A.

Senior Graphic Designer

Gabriel Carranza

Data Specialist

Alex Davis

Assessment, Data and Evaluation

Senior Operations Specialist

Yesica Villalobos

Admin Team

Directory Listing for Admin Team
Name Title Email
Elena Alemán Admin Support Specialist
Leslie Taylor-Contla Admin Specialist