Facilities Planning and Management

Keeping Clean With Waste Reduction

Custodial Services maintains over 1.9 million square feet of building space, and recycles hundreds of tons of plastic, paper, cardboard and glass annually. While many people are aware of the large volume recycled by Custodial Services, most people are unaware of the waste reduction practices they use. You may be able to use these techniques in your home to avoid waste and save money. 

  • Use cloth towel dispensers in bathrooms or purchase recycled and unbleached paper towel rolls. 
  • Purchase products that are durable, reusable, repairable, and recyclable. 
  • Purchase cleaning supplies in bulk and concentrated form. This will give you more product for less packaging, and are usually less expensive. 
  • Use cleaners without toxic, corrosive, and flammable chemicals. Read labels. Look for products that do not require special handling and/or do not have warnings. 
  • Dispense cleaning solutions in refillable containers like pump spray bottles. Use products in non-aerosol containers when possible. 
  • Use washable rags.