Office of Research, Innovation, and Economic Development

Policies and Procedures

Cal Poly Pomona Policies/Guidelines Related to the Use of Laboratory 

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee AWA A3344-01 Expiration 12/31/2023

Institutional Biosafety Committee

The Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) provides guidance to University researchers who use Biologics, Infectious Agents, and Recombinant DNA within the scope of their work.

CPP Whistleblower Policy

The University and its administrators have made significant efforts to assure proper treatment of animals. Situations may arise for various reasons that deviate from approved protocols and campus policy. If you have been unsuccessful in speaking with the persons involved, please take your care and concerns to the appropriate responsible persons.

PHS (US Public Health Service) Policies and Documents

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Policies and Documents

Alternatives to the Use of Laboratory Animal

Safety While Using Animals

Helpful Links