Academic Senate

Academic Senate Meeting - May 17, 2017

Minutes - April 26, 2017

Information Items
Consent Agenda
GE-001-156, Directly-Converted GE Courses - FIRST READING
GE-023-156, COM 4422 - Crisis Communication - FIRST READING
GE-062-156, CHM 3010 - Modleing the Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry (GE Area B5) - FIRST READING
GE-091-156, URP 1050 - Social Justice in Planning - FIRST READING
GE-097-156, EWS 4070 - Diverse Gender and Sexual Identities - FIRST READING
GE-134-156, URP 4110 - Evolution of American Cities and the Planning Movement - FIRST READING
GE-139-156, URP 4820 - California Water - FIRST READING
GE-001-167, LIB 1500 - The Information Diet (GE Area E) - FIRST READING
GE-013-167, GE101 - Physical Geography - FIRST READING
Academic Senate Committee Reports - Time Certain 3:45 p.m.
  1. AA-006-156, Policies with Simple changes for Conversion from Quarter to Semester Calendar - FIRST READING
  2. AA-002-167, Policy on Department Name Change Requests - FIRST READING
  3. AA-001-167, Internship Policy in Accordance with EO 1064 - SECOND READING
  4. AA-007-156, Policies to be Translated from Q2S Values - SECOND READING
New Business
1. Election of the Chair and Vice Chair 2. Executive Committee Nomination Timeline