Community-Care and Wellness (C3W) Initiative
The College of Education and Integrative Studies along side so many local and global entities is seeking to thoughtfully navigate post-pandemic factors that cannot be ignored. Lived experiences of food insecurity, racial injustices, housing instability, socioeconomic challenges, isolation, grief, trauma, exacerbated physical and mental health conditions, and lack of access to consistent and integrated care are significantly impacting students, staff, faculty, families, and communities.
In line with our mission, vision, values and grounded in tenets from educators and activists like bell hooks, Audre Lorde, and Angela Davis regarding broad notions of communal wellbeing which arise from the constant pursuit of care and human liberation, the College of Education and Integrative Studies Community-Care and Wellness (C3W) Initiative will recruit Student Scholars and Faculty Fellows who are committed to and have demonstrated experiences in social justice and civic engagement for the purposes of:
- Partnering with diverse communities to identify and prioritize equity and social justice issues;
- Leveraging an interdisciplinary team of stakeholders (e.g., students, staff, faculty, community members) to facilitate community-centric conversations around areas of priority;
- Developing next steps related to action items in the form of advocacy and social action;
- Providing recommendations for program intervention and transformation and/or practice-based research activities on campus and in partnership with communities;
- Distributing findings using diverse platforms as part of intentional community-outreach efforts and coalition building on campus and in partnership with communities.
2023 - 2024 Scholars

Lyfen Clarke
Undergraduate StudentMajor: Early Childhood Studies

Priscilla Terriquez Garcia
Doctoral StudentMajor: Ed Leadership

Serena Manjur
Graduated Spring 2024,Masters in Special Education

Chaitanya Ganpat Nalage
Masters StudentMajor: Computer Science

Aloysius G. Reharta
Masters StudentMajor: Business Analytics

Melba Yarbrough
Received Credential in Spring 2024Single Subject: Spanish
Faculty Fellow & Mentor

Dr. Hyeryung Hwang
Faculty MentorAssistant Professor