Disability Resource Center

Events and Announcements

Upcoming Events

Writing pen

BAM - Notetaking Workshop

Are you struggling to keep up with lectures or retain important information? This workshop will teach you how to write efficient, organized, and effective notes that will enhance your learning and retention throughout your college journey. By the end of this workshop, you'll find a notetaking method that works for you!
Tuesday, February 11th
Bldg. 9, Room 201/203

RSVP on myBar

Flyer with title of event and cartoon image of people talking.

Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) Information Session

Join us for an information session with a DOR representative to learn about how they support individuals with disabilities through employment and independent living services and advocacy. The same information will be presented at all dates.

Tuesday, February 18th
5:15 PM - 6:15 PM
Care Center, First floor of Building 97 (Marketplace)
Wednesday, February 19th
5:15 PM - 6:15 PM
Care Center, First floor of Building 97 (Marketplace)
Tuesday, February 25th
Bldg. 9, Room 245

RSVP on myBar

Flyer with title of event and cartoon image of people shaking hands.

CDFA Careers in Agriculture Information session

Join us for an information session about the California Department of Food & Agriculture and how they support individuals with disabilities through employment opportunities. 

Tuesday, March 4th
Bldg. 9, Room 245

RSVP on myBar

If you need disability related accommodations for an event, please email us at drc@cpp.edu.

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