Credential Programs

Program Application


How to Apply to the Cal Poly Pomona Credential Program

  1. Post-baccalaureate applicants and ITEP applicants must use the Program Admission checklist to ensure all requirements have been met. 
  2. Refer to the application deadlines
    • Summer - February 1 (application opens November 1)
    • Fall - April 1 (application opens January 1)
    • Spring - September 15 (application opens July 1)
  3. Post-baccalaureate applicants must apply to Cal Poly Pomona as a graduate student through Cal State Apply. 
  4. All applicants must also submit the program application and be prepared to upload the following items:
  1. Verification of early field experience hours. Click to see types of experiences accepted: Early Field Verification Form

  2. Certificate of Clearance document granted by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC).  A California Teaching Credential or Emergency Permit may be submitted in lieu of the Certificate of Clearance.  The issuance date must not exceed 5 years.  Any further questions may be answered by emailing the Commission Information Services Unit.

  3. Verification of meeting subject matter competence. Click link to begin the Subject Matter Competence review process.
  4. TB Clearance: TB clearance must be provided by a medical professional and remain valid throughout clinical practice. Please note TB questionnaires are not accepted.
  5. Statement of PurposeApplicants will respond to specific prompts provided in the application. Your statement must be completed in accordance with Cal Poly Pomona's Academic Integrity Policies. Your writing submission must be your own writing, and you may not make use of ChatGPT or other AI composition software to write your response. 
  6. GPA Requirement: Candidates shall have attained a grade point average of at least 2.5 in all baccalaureate and postbaccalaureate course work or a grade point average of at least 2.75 in the last 60 semester units attempted. If your GPA falls below the minimum requirement, a Statement of Exceptional Admission will be required. Complete details are located on the program application.

g. The name and email address of a university or college professor who has been your instructor. For single subject applicants, we strongly encourage you to choose an instructor from the subject in which you are seeking to be credentialed. 

h. The name and email address of a professional who has directly observed your work/interactions with youth for a minimum of 20 hours in a TK-12 setting. The experience should match the credential program for which you are applying (i.e., experience with children with disabilities for those applying to the ES program, experience with elementary age children for those applying to the MS program, and experience with secondary age children for those applying to the SS program).

i. US Constitution Requirement: The US Constitution Requirement is satisfied by a grade of "C" or better in PLS 2010 at CPP, an approved equivalent course, or by passing the US Constitution Requirement Challenge Exam. Submit the Course Equivalency Request form to see if you have met the requirement or you may upload your Certificate of Completion if you take the challenge exam.

j. All teacher candidates must attend Orientation. Visit the Orientation page to view dates/times/locations.

k. Verification of your $25 Credential Evaluation fee made via Bronco Direct or the Cashier's Office.

 Additional information: 

Bilingual Authorization (BL) Candidates: Please refer to the Bilingual Authorization site for detailed information.

Out-of-Country Graduates: All foreign transcripts must be evaluated by a CTC approved transcript evaluation agency. Original evaluated transcripts must be submitted to the Office of Admissions. 

What to expect after your applications are submitted:

It is the candidate's responsibility to carefully review requirements and ensure all supporting documents are submitted by the program application deadline. Upon submission of the program application, individuals named as references are sent an email to provide their feedback. Candidates must follow up with recommenders to confirm receipt of the emails and notify the Credential Analyst with any issues. 

After the program application deadline has passed, and verification of all required materials has been verified by the Credential Office, candidates will be contacted to schedule a group interview. Program interviews remain valid for one year.