W.K. Kellogg Arabian Horse Center

Horses for Heroes

In partnership with the Cal Poly Pomona Veterans Resource Center (VRC), the W.K. Kellogg Arabian Horse Center is a proud partner with the Horses for Heroes program.

In the spirit of a polytechnic education or “learn by doing”, the program pairs current student veterans with graduate assistants to groom and care for horses. The program also includes training in equine behavior, horse handling, and horse health.

Starting in Fall 2019, the program is based on Cal Poly Pomona’s very successful Foal Watch program. Although Horses for Heroes is not a therapeutic program for PTSD, it does include training on coping skills and elements from similar programs. No previous horse or ranch experience is necessary to participate.

”It gives veterans the opportunity to focus on the present and also on their well-being,” says Elke Azpeitia, Director of Cal Poly Pomona’s Veterans Resource Center.

Horses for Heroes in the news:

NBC Video: Veterans Find Healing in Horses

Spectrum News: Horses for Heroes Cal Poly Pomona