Master of Science in Digital Marketing Program

Prep courses for the Current and Future Master of Science in Digital Marketing Students


The MSDM Program office offers preparation courses for future MSDM students.  They are crash courses for math and statistics and boot camp for data science topics.    

CPP MSDM Prep Course: Business Statistics

Provided through MyEducator, this course is not counted toward your degree but is an excellent resource for students with a non-business background or for individuals who just need a refresher. This course is $69 and is a self-learning module. You may start this course even before the first semester starts.

CPP MSDM Prep Course: Math

Accessible via the MyEducator platform, this course is not designed to provide credit towards your degree. It is a complimentary resource made available to assist students with non-business backgrounds or individuals seeking a quick refresher to grasp the foundational mathematical essentials utilized throughout the MSDM program. Organized as a self-paced learning module, you have the flexibility to initiate your studies at your convenience

  • Homepage: MSDM Prep: Math
  • Signup URL:
  • Sign-up instruction
    • Click on the “Checkout” button. No payment information will be needed.
    • You will be asked to create an account with MyEducator if you do not already have one. If you already have an account, please just log in.
    • Once your account is created and payment is made, you will be directed to the course material.

Data Wrangling and Visualization | Programming in R

Students who have not taken computer programming courses such as R, Python, or C++ during their bachelor’s program are expected to take the Data Wrangling and Visualization Certificate Program (DWV 101) prior to the first semester of their MS in Digital Marketing. Because R programming will be used every semester, including the first fall semester, it would be best if students could finish all the modules before the Fall semester. The DWV 101 is composed of 13 modules, taking 11 - 13 weeks to complete.  The page lists the next available certificate program. Applicants who are admitted late will have to take the program concurrently during the fall semester.