2017 Department Awards Reception

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec’s late-19th century painting, E´milie. This image is in the public domain and was made available online by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York (http://www.metmuseum.org/)

On May 23, the EFL Department held its annual awards reception in Ursa Minor. Congratulations to this year's awardees and graduates!

Outstanding Certificate students

German: Kevin McCondichie

Outstanding Minor students

Chinese: Nathan Wangsa
French: Ryan Brown
Spanish: Tristan Calditaran
TESL: Marc Rodriguez

Spanish Major Awards

Outstanding Student: Cindy Elizabeth Hernández
Faculty Recognition of Excellence: Montserrat González Romero

English Literature Major Awards

Outstanding Student: Ryan Brown
Faculty Recognition of Excellence: Kristin Kawecki

English Education Major Awards

Outstanding Student: Marc Rodriguez
Faculty Recognition of Excellence: Christine Charlton

Lillian Wilds Shakespeare Scholarship

Ana Lina Garcia

Ted Pugh Poetry Prize

Eric Aranda
Honorable Mention: Michelle Mermilliod

Award for Multilingual & International Scholarly Endeavors

Zachary “Ned” Hall

Outstanding English Graduate Student Awards

Literature: Grant Palmer
Rhetoric & Composition: Brittany Bras
TESL: Zainab Parekh

EFL Student of the Year

Chi Vivian Tran

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