Information Technology & Institutional Planning


The Division of Information Technology & Institutional Planning (IT&IP) collaborates with Cal Poly Pomona's community, providing innovative and strategic technology to advance the university's mission and strengthen the university's unique polytechnic identity and learn-by-doing educational approach.
IT&IP VP and CIO John McGuthry

Office of the Vice President & Chief Information Officer
John McGuthry

The Vice President and Chief Information Officer manages and oversees the Division of Information Technology & Institutional Planning. Our division includes six units: The Office of the Vice President; Information Technology; IT Security & Compliance; Process & Project Management; Institutional Research, Planning & Analytics; Learning & Research Technologies.

Mr. McGuthry joined Cal Poly Pomona in July 2011 as the University's Chief Information Officer with over 30 years of experience in the field and over 15 years as a Chief Information Officer. Before serving as Cal Poly Pomona's CIO, Mr. McGuthry led business process consulting and product management teams.

Mr. McGuthry earned his Bachelor of Science in physical sciences from the University of Maryland at College Park and his Master of Science in Management from the Georgia Institute of Technology. He actively participates in the technology community in Southern California, EDUCAUSE, and the CIO Executive Council.

Executive Assistant: Shelley Rimpsey

IT Master Plan 2022 – 2027

We provide essential technology solutions and business process leadership through collective expertise, collaboration with other divisions, and continuous learning in effort to advance the mission of the University, enhance the student experience, and support student success.

IT&IP’s vision is to be an innovative technology leader within higher education by providing essential services and emerging technologies that simplify and improve access to knowledge and learning; increase student success; and prepare the leaders of tomorrow with skills necessary for the future.

Operational Excellence – IT & IP strives for operational excellence through recruitment and retention of  technology staff committed to the success of students and the university.

Continuous Improvement – IT & IP utilizes a continuous improvement model that promotes efficiencies using common platform technologies and digitization of processes that positively impacts student success.

Responsibility – IT & IP promotes a culture of fiscal responsibility, ensuring budgets are spent wisely. IT & IP also fosters an environment of security and inclusiveness as well as practicing responsible data stewardship.

Respect – IT & IP encourages a work environment built on professionalism and respect to better serve students, faculty, and staff.

Safety – IT & IP emphasizes a culture of safety that promotes cyber awareness in all facets of technology, analyzes risk on existing and planned platform technologies, and invests in core technology that reduces campus risks.




  • When appropriate, major technology initiatives will follow Technology Governance model
    • Technology Governance Oversight will be chaired by the CIO with input representing the President’s Cabinet.
    • Working Groups, both ad hoc and standing, will be co-chaired by a member of the IT&IP Division and a member outside of the IT&IP Division.
    • Recommendations are provided by the co-chairs and implementation is the responsibility of the CIO.
  • Establish and maintain a 3-year technology portfolio for solutions that is heavily guided with input from the University Community.
    • IT&IP will establish a new technology request process and enhance to existing technology request process.
    • Each Division participates with their required solutions or directions
    • Solutions may be modified, scheduled, or delivered based on complexity.
    • Final schedules for major solutions will guided by the cabinet and must consider cost and resources when scheduled.
  • All approved new technology initiatives are accompanied with a funded operational support plan.
    • Plan includes sources for funding the solution (hardware, software, maintenance, & human resources)
    • Plan includes an Accessibility review
    • Plan includes a Security review
    • Plan includes a Data review
    • Estimated implementation schedule





  • Increase recruitment and retention of students and staff.
    • Implement a student hiring model with additional support and tools to increase the strength of student pools.
    • Implement a staff hiring model with additional support and tools to increase strength of staff pools.
    • Recognize and celebrate/reward individual achievements and their impact
  • Develop, encourage, and reward the achievements of teamwork.
    • Improve and reinforce the Division team award model.
    • Develop an external team award model to encourage cross divisional team awards.
    • Reinforce best practice team training as an integral component of professional development plans.
    • Highlight all significant short term team efforts regardless of success. 
  • Invest in our personnel professional development opportunities
    • Encourage each team member to develop a 3-year plan aligned with their career goals.
    • Partner with EODA on the offerings of professional development programs tailored for the Division.
    • Provide support and encourage staff to further educational opportunities.
    • Identify and invest in professional development opportunities tailored for career growth.
  • Improve on the processes and organizational effectiveness of the Division
    • Routinely access the division against NIST/ISO best practices.
    • Conduct regular assessments and improvements for all technology policies procedures
    • Conduct two practice events per year for disaster recovery.
    • Conduct yearly reviews of incident reports to improve division procedures
    • Conduct intentional surveys and end user feedback on services and processes.
  • Ensure all technology services support a professional climate in which all are welcomed, respected and valued.
    • Regularly ensure the language and images used to describe and represent our services are accessible.





  • Increase and Modernize the Information Security Program.
    • Standardize and improve information security end user training and awareness.
    • Review and modernize the tools and procedures used to protect the university’s core technologies.
    • Review and modernize the tools and procedures used to protect the university’s laptop and desktop computing technologies.
    • Invest and grow the capabilities of the information security team.
  • Expand the Student Digital Experience to Support Student Success
    • Invest in student centric technologies that enhance student learning
    • Enhance technologies that support student co-curricular activities and engagement
    • Invest in technologies that support student academic planning and graduation
    • Enhance technologies that support the student digital experience in administrative and academic areas
  • Invest in best-in-class platform technologies.
    • Identify new platforms that provide the greatest flexibility for the university environment.
    • Identify training opportunities to best utilize platform technologies for business analysts and application programmers.
    • Identify consultants to assist with the development and enhancement of platforms to fast forward the adoption of platform technologies.
  • Expand data storage, data analysis, and data visualization platforms in order to generate actionable insights to improve student support services and organizational practices
    • Enhance and modernize the Data Warehouse environment
    • Grow capabilities to enhance reporting skills
    • Enhance campus capabilities in Evaluating Data
    • Enhance the divisions abilities to provide predictive analytics for key initiatives
    • Enhance the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning with digital technologies
    • Formalize university data governance practices and adopt a university-wide data dictionary platform
  • Expand The use and adoption of Digital Capabilities.
    • Continue to invest in technologies to eliminate the need for paper-based campus transactions.
    • Utilize platform environments to optimize university processes
    • Continue to identify student and employee individual data for a more personalized digital experience.
  • Expand the investment in technologies that support a flexible environment.
    • Continue to invest in mobile platforms for university employees
    • Continue to identify opportunities for students to participate in mobile platforms
    • Invest in mobile enabled campus environments.
    • Flexible technology that allows students, faculty, and staff to engage with the teaching, learning, and research experience whether in person or remote
  • Partner with Academic Affairs with Strategic Technologies.
    • Identify an invest in technologies that benefit the operational environment and learning environment.
    • Identify and invest in technologies that benefit the research and learning environment.
    • Continue to invest and modernize the academic technology learning environment.

Policies and Procedures

Visit: Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines.

IT and IP Departments

The Vice President and Chief Information Officer is responsible for the management and oversight of all the groups within the Division of Information Technology & Institutional Planning. The division is comprised of six groups: The Office of the CIO; Information Technology group; IT Security & Compliance, Institutional Process & Project Management; Institutional Research, Planning & Analytics.

View IT&IP's Organization Chart.

Reporting to the CIO, the Information Technology team is responsible for the delivery of effective, secure, and reliable infrastructure and technology services that support the success of our students, faculty, and staff.  Information Technology works collaboratively with the campus, providing support for services in several primary areas, such as: campus applications, student/faculty/staff technology support, classroom and lab technologies, telecommunications and networking infrastructure, strategic use of multimedia resources to support the academic mission, and cloud and on-premise data center services.

Ben Quillian III - Senior AVP & Deputy CIO, IT&IP
Assistant: Candice Valentine

  • Information Security –  Works in collaboration with the campus community to protect the integrity of campus information technology infrastructure to mitigate risks and losses associated with security threats, while supporting access to technology.  Provides risk, threat, alert, vulnerability and alert monitoring, investigation, and advisory services for the University’s computing and information assets allowing for improvement to preventative, detective and corrective controls.  Collaborates with faculty and students to support teaching, learning and research related to IT cybersecurity.
  • Information Compliance – An information technology compliance program to improve efficiency and effectiveness of the internal controls and assessment processes, monitor regulations for new or changed requirements, and coordinate with internal and external auditors to ensure compliance. Assists senior management in identifying IT related control gaps and associated remediation plans, and that policies and procedures are updated in a timely manner. Maintains core IT risk processes according to industry standards/frameworks (e.g. ISO27001-2, COBIT, ITIL, NIST, etc.).  Compliance requirements include, but not limited to:  FERPA, HIPAA, PCI DSS, Section 508, GLBA, Red Flag Rule, GDPR.
  • Business continuity (BC) and disaster recovery (DR)  - Work with the University community to establish IT Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity criteria and plans;
  • Accessible Technology - Leadership, oversight and coordination for the campus implementation of the CSU's Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) to comply with Section 508, WCAG 2.0AA, and WAI-ARIA.  It includes each of the three priority areas of ATI: web accessibility, instructional materials accessibility, and procurement.

Carol Gonzales - AVP, IT Security & Compliance, CISO

Reporting to the AVP, Learning & Research Technologies, Institutional Research, Planning and Analytics (IRPA) serves the university by providing leadership and support for strategic planning, business intelligence, data visualization and analytics. 

Jeanette Baez – AVP, Institutional Research, Planning & Analytics

The Process & Project Management Office (PPMO) seeks to promote best practices in business process management and project management across the university to advance the mission of the university.

The PPMO is customer service oriented and provides services within the following service areas: Change Management, Project Management, Business Process Management, and Communication Management.

Jorge Lomeli – AVP, PPMO