Apparel Merchandising and Management

Be a Donor

There are many ways to be a donor.  For more information please contact the AMM Department at  

Scholarships/ Competition Awards/ Research Awards

Scholarship fundraising is a high priority for the AMM program. Can you help a student with the cost of completing their college education?

Are you or your organization in a position to sponsor a scholarship for tuition, Study Abroad, or Field Study? Would sponsoring a Competition or Research project benefit your company?

Fabric and Supplies

Our program is a hands-on learning experience that requires students to use a variety of materials and supplies.

Are you or your company able to provide fabric, notions, display items, blanks, etc. for our students to learn from?

Facilities/Equipment/Software Donors

Our laboratory spaces and the equipment and software the students use in their classes are at the heart of AMM’s learn-by-doing.

AMM actively seeks major funding and contributions in this area for space enhancement and upgrades to equipment and software. Can you or your company help us?

Unrestricted Gifts

Cash gifts not designated for a specific purpose help the AMM program in the areas of greatest need. This may support a student activity, a department need or a new opportunity.

Other in-kind gifts not directly used in the classroom can also be useful to the department as part of larger fundraising efforts.

Are you or your company interested in helping us?

Endowed Faculty Position

AMM would like to establish an Endowed Faculty Position. This would create an opportunity to bring an exceptional faculty member to the program.

We are currently seeking donors to help establish this position. This can be a position "named" in honor of the major donor.

Would you be interested in contributing to this?

Come to our Annual Awards and Banquet Events

Our Annual Awards and Banquet Events are held each Spring Quarter.  View our Flickr albums of these events