Center for the Advancement of Faculty Excellence (CAFE)

Multimedia Learning Objects: Science

Multimedia Learning Objects: Science

Screenshot of the Arrow Pushing Activity

Arrow Pushing

Taylor Thane, Ph.D
Screenshot of the Cardiac Cycle activity

The Cardiac Cycle

Juanita Thompson, Ph.D
Rna Polymerase making a RNA copy of a DNA strand

Transcription and Repression

Dr. Andrew Steele
Screenshot of Building Lattices

Building Lattices (Crystallography)

Dr. S. Chantal E. Stieber
Screenshot of Cellular Signaling activity

Cellular Signaling

Dr. Andrew Steele
Screenshot of Swim Strokes activity

Swim Strokes

RoseAnn A'Jontue
Screenshot of Atomic Electron Configurations activity

Atomic Electron Configurations

Dr. Jodye Selco
Screenshot of Colors: Absorption vs Reflection activity

Colors: Absorption vs Reflection

Dr. Jodye Selco
Screenshot of Liquid - Liquid Extraction

Liquid - Liquid Extraction

Dr. Laurie Starkey
Screenshot of Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC)

Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC)

Dr. Laurie Starkey
screenshot of Making Molecules: Dot Structures

Making Molecules: Dot Structures

Dr. Jodye Selco
Screenshot of Gene Structures activity

Gene Structures

Dr. Andrew Steele
screenshot of Chemical Kinetics and Equilibrium

Chemical Kinetics and Equilibrium

Dr. Jodye Selco
Screenshot of Post-translational Modifications

Post-translational Modifications

Dr. Andrew Steele
Screenshot for Periodic Table of Elements

Periodic Table of Elements

Dr. Jodye Selco
Screenshot of Linkage Disequilibrium activity

An Explanation for Linkage Disequilibrium and its Evolutionary Implications

Dr. Angel Valdes