Office of Faculty Affairs

Lecturer Compensation

The Office of the Chancellor, Systemwide Human Resources, is the official distributor of the CSU salary schedule.


California State University Lecturer Salary (Academic Year) Schedules can be found at:

Placement into a range is based on qualifications and experience. Initial assignments are typically in Ranges 2 and 3. The full-time (15 units per semester) monthly base salaries indicated in the schedules above are prorated to the number of units worked and are paid in six monthly payments for each full semester.


Full-time and part-time lecturers (also called temporary faculty members) are an important part of the Cal Poly Pomona community. Lecturers are included in the faculty bargaining unit. Most university resources and activities are available to lecturers, as governed by policy and the collective bargaining agreement and to the extent that resources are available.

Lecturers - Academic Year (Class Code 2358)

Lecturers - 12 month (Class Code 2359)


Range Elevation

Range Elevation is the process by which an eligible lecturer may request to be moved to the next lecturer salary range. To be eligible, lecturers must have no more Service Salary Step Increase (SSI) eligibility in their current salary range and have five or more years in their current range.

Please find more information regarding the Range Elevation process, eligibility, and calendar below.

Policy 1332 (pdf)

Lecturer Range Elevation - Calendar (pdf)

Range Elevation Workshop - 2/11/21 (pptx)

Range Elevation Workshop - 2/11/21 (recorded session)

How to Access Course Evaluations