General Education Guide
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FAQs about General Education
You can view your General Education Requirement Year by viewing your Degree Progress Report (DPR). In the General Education section of the DPR, you will see the “GE Requirements.” This will tell you which requirements you should follow.
- If you see GE Requirements 2018-2020 on your DPR, you are following the middle pattern below (in green), titled “Semester GE (Fall 2018-Summer 2021).
- If you see GE Requirements 2021 or 2022 on your DPR, you are following the pattern on the right below (in yellow), titled “Semester GE (Fall 2021 - ).
- If you see GE Requirements prior to 2018 on your DPR, you are following the pattern on the left below (in blue), titled “Quarter GE (Prior to Summer 2019)”. Use the Quarter to Semester GE Tool for semester course information.
A grade of C- or better is required of each Cal Poly Pomona or transfer student completing courses in:
- Written communication in the English language (GE area A2)
- Oral communication in the English language (GE area A1)
- Critical thinking (GE area A3)
- Mathematics/quantitative reasoning (GE area B4)
Students are required to complete 39 lower division GE units and 9 upper division GE units (3 courses). The 9 upper-division GE units are called Synthesis Courses and must be completed at Cal Poly Pomona, or at another CSU as long as it either 1) articulates to either a CPP course or GE Area, or 2) is part of the upper-division GE pattern at that CSU.
- In Fall 2021, CPP changed to a new General Education pattern. This new pattern includes the Area F requirement and excludes the D3 requirement.
- Because transfer students entering in Fall 2021 or Fall 2022 have been attending previous institutions and following GE patterns that articulated to CPP’s previous GE pattern, we have placed all incoming transfers on the 2020 GE pattern to ensure that you do not need to meet additional General Education requirements. This means that Fall 2021 or Fall 2022 transfer students will follow the 2022-23 major requirements (view your curriculum sheet) and 2020-21 GE requirements.
- For transfer students joining CPP in Spring 2023 and future terms, your GE pattern will be based on if you had continuous enrollment at another CSU or California Community College.
Since you have not been continuously enrolled at a CSU or California Community College, you have a new GE pattern. You should now follow the GE pattern listed in your Degree Progress Report. If you are unsure of which GE courses you may need to satisfy, contact your academic advisor or the Bronco Advising Center.