Freeway traffic
Risk Management

Reporting Incidents/Accidents

While none of us want accidents to happen, they do occur and Strategic Enterprise Risk Management needs to be notified promptly so we can act on behalf of the University, as needed. Environmental Health & Safety must be notified in order to assess safety and prevention concerns, both current and future. Also, Workers' Compensation must be notified if the incident or accident involves a university employee.

An incident is any unusual occurence; an employee, student, or visitor accident (with or without injury); a disturbance that could disrupt campus operations; a violation of policy; or a mishap due to equipment failure.

It is the responsibility of every employee to report accidents and/or near-misses to their manager when they occur.

If an employee, student, or visitor is injured, immediately report all details to your manager. In the event of a medical emergency, always dial 9-1-1 from any on-campus telephone. If using a cell phone to report an on-campus emergency, dial 909-869-3070.

This will connect you directly with the University campus police dispatcher who can send a police officer and if needed, emergency medical personnel. Call Strategic Enterprise Risk Management at 909-869-2495 to report the details of the incident.

If the incident or accident involves an injury to a university employee, Managers shall notify Workers' Compensation immediately (within 24 hours). 

For accident investigation purposes, and in accordance with the campus Injury and Illness Prevention Program, managers need to report all accidents to Environmental Health & Safety, extension 4697, in addition to notifying Strategic Enterprise Risk Management.

Remember: If in doubt as to whether or not the situation is an emergency, treat it as an emergency and follow the steps listed above.

All vehicle accidents occurring while on University/State business, must be reported immediately (within 48 hours), regardless of whether the vehicle is a University/State, rental, or private vehicle. The report needs to be made on the State of California's Report of Vehicle Accident Form (STD. 270) (PDF) and be immediately submitted to:

Strategic Enterprise Risk Management  
Cal Poly Pomona 
Building 98, C6-12
3801 W. Temple Avenue 
Pomona, CA 91768
Telephone: 909-869-2495
Email Address:


Employees must not make any admission as to who was at fault, nor make any attempt to settle claims or otherwise establish liability with the other parties to the accident or their insurance companies.

An employee who is involved in a vehicular accident must not discuss the accident with anyone except:

  • Investigating Traffic Officers
  • Employee's Supervisor/Manager
  • Authorized Cal Poly Pomona/State Officers
  • Cal Poly Pomona's Risk Manager (Valerie Eberle) and Workers' Compensation Claims Analyst (Larissa Brewer)
  • State's Insurance Adjusters

If driving a University/State vehicle at the time of an accident, the employee should refer to the Accident Identification Form (STD. 269), located in their state vehicle's glove compartment for instructions and information. This card provides a convenient place to write down pertinent information while still at the accident scene. The Accident Identification Form is also available through the California Department of General Services' website at:

If driving a private vehicle at the time of an accident, the employee should refer to their private insurance carrier's instructions for reporting and/or claiming an accident.

Subsequent to any accident involving a State vehicle, all communications and forms, including Summons and Complaint, must be forwarded to Strategic Enterprise Risk Management.

The immediate supervisor/manager who authorized or permitted the employee to use the vehicle will ensure that the employee completes the Std. Form 270 or will do it for him/her if the employee is unable to do so. The supervisor will also inform Strategic Enterprise Risk Management, when the employee is unable to do so. The immediate supervisor/manager who authorized the employee to drive on State business must also prepare the State Driver Accident Review - Supervisor's Review Form STD. 274  (PDF), and forward it to University Risk Management within five days from the date of the accident.

Should an accident result in bodily injury to anyone other than the state employee, the accident must be immediately reported to the State of California's Office of Risk and Insurance Management (ORIM) by telephone or an advance faxed copy of the Accident Report Form STD. 270. On weekends, call (916) 376-5295 to leave a Voice Mail. This notification is required in addition to notifying Strategic Enterprise Risk Management at (909) 869-2495.