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Summer Programs

Summer Sessions 2024 - Information for Credential Students

The Cal Poly Pomona Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships will begin packaging eligible students for Summer 2024 on April 5th.

If you are officially dually enrolled as a Credential and Master's student, you are considered a graduate student for financial aid purposes. Please review the Summer Graduate Student section.

Students in the Credential Program are considered 5th year undergraduate students (not Graduate) for financial aid purposes. The types of aid available to students pursuing a teaching credential are very specific and different from Undergraduate types of aid. Your summer aid options will typically consist of any Pell Grant or Federal Direct Loan aid you did not use during the academic year.

A valid 2023 – 2024 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) must be on file and you must be enrolled at least half time (six units) in required Credential Coursework.

You do not need to submit an application for any summer aid!

Your eligibility will be reviewed beginning April 5th, and you will be packaged with aid, as long as you have enrolled in summer courses and have eligibility. You will be notified via your Cal Poly Pomona email once your financial aid package is available.

Impact of Enrollment on All Financial Aid Awards for Credential Students:

In order to receive financial aid funding, you must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 units of credential coursework that is required by the State of California to receive a professional certification or licensing credential. Financial Aid is not available for prerequisite courses, courses that are suggested as beneficial, or elective courses.

Please note that Summer Financial Aid for Credential Students is limited to FAFSA Filers only.

Summer Cost of Attendance Budgets

Below are the cost of attendance budgets for students attending only one 5-week session for Summer 2024. 

The figures used for all categories (except Tuition & Fees and On Campus Room & Board) represent the average expenses reported by Cal Poly Pomona students in the 2021 Student Expenses and Resources Survey (SEARS), conducted by the California Student Aid Commission.  The figures have been adjusted for 5 weeks (2 month budget). 

Summer Cost of Attendance for one 5-week session

Summer Cost of Attendance Budget - 5 week session
Expenses Commuter Off-Campus  
Tuition & Mandatory Fees  Varies Varies
Food & Housing
$1,752 $3,156
Books, Supplies, Materials $533 $533
Transportation $428 $370
Personal Expenses $504 $492
Direct Loan Fees $35 $35
TOTAL   $3,252 + tuition & fees
$4,586 + tuition & fees  

Tuition and Mandatory Fees will be based on the actual amount of tuition and fees you are charged for Summer 2024. Refer to the Student Accounting and Cashiering Services website for details on the tuition and fee charges for Summer 2024.

Below are the cost of attendance budgets for students attending 10 weeks for Summer 2024.  This could be students who are enrolled in any of the following combinations:

  • 10 week session
  • 5 Week Session 1 + 5 Week Session 2
  • 5 Week Session 1 + 10 Week Session
  • 5 Week Session 2 + 10 Week Session

The figures used for all categories (except Tuition & Fees and On Campus Room & Board) represent the average expenses reported by Cal Poly Pomona students in the 2021 Student Expenses and Resources Survey (SEARS), conducted by the California Student Aid Commission.  The figures have been adjusted for 10 weeks (3 month budget). 

Summer Cost of Attendance for 10 weeks

Summer Cost of Attendance Budget - 10 weeks
Expenses Commuter Off-Campus  
Tuition & Mandatory Fees  Varies Varies
Food & Housing
$2,628 $4,734
Books, Supplies, Materials $533 $533
Transportation $642 $555
Personal Expenses $756 $738
Direct Loan Fees $35 $35
TOTAL   $4,594 + tuition & fees
$6,595 + tuition & fees  

Tuition and Mandatory Fees will be based on the actual amount of tuition and fees you are charged for Summer 2024. Refer to the Student Accounting and Cashiering Services website for details on the tuition and fee charges for Summer 2024.

A standardized set of budgets is used as the basis for determining the cost of attendance at Cal Poly Pomona. The figures used for all categories (except Tuition & Fees and On Campus Room & Board) represent the average expenses reported by Cal Poly Pomona students in the 2021 Student Expenses and Resources Survey (SEARS), conducted by the California Student Aid Commission.  1,500 students from Cal Poly Pomona were contacted regarding the survey – and the response rate was 32.47%. 

Amounts are updated annually based on inflation and the Consumer Price Index for non-surveyed years.

No distinction is made with respect to the mode of instruction in determining costs – students enrolled in online courses or a fully online program have the same elements included in their cost of attendance budget.

  • Tuition & Mandatory Fees: Cost paid to Cal Poly Pomona for courses, includes mandatory campus fees.  This figure is based off your actual enrollment & charges for the summer. Refer to the Student Accounting & Cashiering Services website for amounts.
  • Food & Housing: The average cost per academic year to live in the Pomona / LA County area while attending Cal Poly Pomona. Actual costs may vary by individual choices related to location and circumstances (on-campus, off-campus, living at home) 
    • Commuter Food & Housing reflects the lower costs of living at home. 
    • Off-Campus Food & Housing is based on the average amount reported by Cal Poly Pomona students on the 2021 SEARS survey.  These figures assume a roommate.
      • Food =  $781 per month
      • Housing = $1,211 per month
  • Books: The average amount students spend on books, supplies and educational supplies.
  • Transportation:   The average transportation cost between campus, residences, and place of work (includes bus fare, gasoline, tolls, parking, etc.).  Amount does not include car payments, insurance, repairs or license fees.
  • Personal Expenses:   The average amount for personal expenses which includes clothing, personal care, cell phone plan, and health care costs not covered by insurance.
  • Federal Direct Loan Fees:   For students who borrow a Direct Loan, the average cost of the loan origination fee; for parents who borrow a Direct PLUS loan on behalf of their dependent student, the actual cost of the PLUS loan origination fee.

For informational purposes only:  In accordance with California Assembly Bill 990, Cal Poly Pomona provides the typical market cost of a one-bedroom apartment in the Pomona area:  $1,644 per month (per, as of January 1, 2024.

In addition to the elements included in our standard Summer COA Budgets, the following elements can be included on a case-by-case basis, using our Cost of Attendance appeal form:

Computer Purchase: Reasonable costs related to the rental or upfront purchase of a personal computer.

Study Abroad ExpensesReasonable costs (including travel, visa, passport, etc.) for students participating in a study abroad program approved for credit by Cal Poly Pomona.

Dependent care:  Expenses incurred for dependent care, based on the number and age of the student’s dependents.

  • The period for which dependent care is required includes, but is not limited to, class-time, study-time, field work, internships, and commuting time.
  • Such allowance must not exceed the reasonable cost in the community in which the student resides for the kind of care provided

Disability-related expenses: Expenses associated with a student’s disability, including special services, personal assistance, transportation, equipment, and supplies that are reasonably incurred and not provided for by other agencies.

Cooperative education cost:  Students engaged in a work experience under a cooperative education program, an allowance for reasonable costs associated with such employment.

Additional Room costs:  Students whose housing costs are in excess of the amount included in the standard budget can submit a cost of attendance appeal (and documentation) to have their budget increased to account for the additional costs.

Additional Transportation costs:  Students whose transportation costs are in excess of the amount included in the standard budget can submit a cost of attendance appeal (and documentation) to have their budget increased to account for the additional costs.

Types of Aid

Eligibility for a Federal Pell Grant

If you are eligible for a Federal Pell Grant you may be eligible to receive a Pell Grant during the summer.  You must be enrolled in at least 6 units of required Credential Coursework during the summer to be eligible for a Pell Grant payment

Any Pell Grant disbursement you receive during the summer semester will be applied towards your overall Pell Lifetime eligibility. Please log in to the Federal Student Aid site to view your Pell Grant usage and to determine the amount of eligibility you have remaining.

How Much Pell Grant Eligibility Will I Have For Summer?

Your Pell Grant eligibility is going to be based on a number of factors specific to you. These include:

  • Your summer enrollment
  • Use of Pell Grant during the academic year
  • Your lifetime use of Pell Grant.
If you were eligible to receive Pell Grant during the 2023-2024 year, you can still use part of your overall Pell Grant lifetime eligibility for summer if you enroll in at least 6 units of Required Credential Coursework.

You might be limited by your overall Pell Lifetime Eligibility, as students may not receive more than six years of full-time Pell Grant eligibility (600%). Confirm your lifetime usage at the Federal Student Aid site.

What If I Change My Summer Enrollment?

The Federal Pell Grant is based on your enrollment for any given term. If you change your enrollment throughout the summer term, your Pell Grant will be adjusted accordingly. You can always review the status and amount of your Pell Grant on your BroncoDirect Student Center.

Remember, though, in order to receive financial aid funding, you must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 units of credential coursework that is required by the State of California to receive a professional certification or licensing credential. Financial Aid is not available for prerequisite courses, courses that are suggested as beneficial, or elective courses.


If you did not accept the maximum amount of Federal Direct Loans in the 2023-24 academic year and you are enrolled in at least 6 units for summer, you may be offered Federal Direct Loans for summer. To be eligible for a Federal Direct Student Loan for the Summer, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Must have a 2023 – 2024 FAFSA Application on file with Cal Poly Pomona with no outstanding items on your To Do List.
  • Must meet the general financial aid eligibility criteria
  • Have a financial aid eligible SAP Status (Meets, Warning, Probation)
  • You are required to enroll in a minimum of 6 units of required Credential Coursework
  • Must have unused loan funds remaining from the 2023 - 2024 academic year

Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loan amounts are based on the remaining loan eligibility you have leftover from the academic year. If eligible, they will be included in your summer award package.

How Much Can I Borrow For The Summer?

You can only borrow a certain amount of Direct Loan funding each year; eligibility for Federal Direct Loans for Credential Students is the same as for Undergraduate Students classified as seniors.

For more information on the annual and aggregate limits for subsidized and unsubsidized loans, review the chart below: 

Annual Direct Loan Limits by Class Level 

Direct Loans Limits
Borrower's Academic Level Dependent Student  Independent Student
Senior or Teacher Credential Student (60+units) $5,500 
If qualified, up to $5,500 may be in subsidized loans
If qualified, up to $5,500 may be in subsidized loans
Aggregate (or Lifetime) Borrowing Limit for Credential Students (includes amounts borrowed as Undergraduates) $31,000 
If qualified, $23,000 may be in subsidized loans
If qualified, up to $23,000 may be in subsidized loans

You can review annual loan limits and the amount of loans you have borrowed at the Federal Student Aid site. The difference between what you borrowed during the 2023-2024 year and your annual maximum is what you might borrow during the summer.

If you borrowed your full Direct Loan eligibility during the academic year, you can consider asking your parents to borrow a Parent PLUS loan, if you are a dependent student.


Federal Parent PLUS Loans are available to parents of dependent Credential students. These loans can cover the student's summer cost of education that exceeds other aid received. PLUS loans are available only to borrowers who do not have adverse credit histories.

To be eligible for a Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan for the Summer, the student must meet the following criteria:

  • Must have a 2023 – 2024 FAFSA Application on file with Cal Poly Pomona with no outstanding items on your To Do List.
  • Must meet the general financial aid eligibility criteria
  • Have a financial aid eligible SAP Status (Meets, Warning, Probation)
  • Must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 units of required Credential Coursework
More information on the Parent PLUS Loan is available from Federal Student Aid.

How Much Can I Borrow For The Summer?

The maximum PLUS Loan amount borrowed cannot exceed your student’s summer cost of education minus any other financial assistance. A Parent PLUS Loan may be an option to help cover educational expenses for dependent students who have borrowed their maximum annual Direct Student Loan amount.

How Can I Be Considered For Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan?

To be considered for a Direct Parent PLUS Loan for the summer, have your parent complete the following steps:

  1. The parent must go to the Parent PLUS Loan application on the Federal Student Aid website
  2. Your parent must log in with their Federal Student Aid ID (FSA ID) - not the student's
  3. If prompted, accept the terms and conditions of the platform
  4. Complete the application, review the information for accuracy, and submit
  5. If your parent is approved for the loan, through a credit check, the amount you are eligible (based on your requested amount) for will be posted to your (the student) financial aid package.

Refer to the step-by-step instructions (with screen captures) in our Parent PLUS Instructions Guide (PDF).

Additional Requirements Parents Must Complete

Funds cannot be disbursed to your student's account until all requirements are complete. Borrowers must complete a Loan Agreement (Master Promissory Note) for the loan. After you are approved for the loan, you must:

  1. Log into the Federal Student Aid website with their FSA ID
  2. Click on "Complete Loan Agreement (Master Promissory Note)"
  3. Scroll down to "PLUS MPN for Parents" and click on the "Start" button on the right to begin

Deadline to Apply

Requests for a Direct Parent PLUS Loan for the Summer must be received prior to the end of your (the student) summer classes. The deadlines for Summer 2024 are:

  • If you enroll in Session I only, you must submit your loan application by June 21 (if approved, funds will not be released until July 3).
  • If you enroll in Sessions I and II, you must submit your loan application by July 28
  • If you enroll in Session II only, you must submit your loan application by July 28
  • If you enroll in the Full Session (10 weeks), you must submit your loan application by July 28


Cal Poly Pomona students who have exhausted all other financial aid options may wish to pursue a private education loan to cover costs associated with the summer term. Although Cal Poly Pomona is unable to recommend or advise students on specific private loan options, we have provided some general information on our Loan Information page for you to keep in mind when considering a private loan.

Please keep the following information in mind when deciding whether or not to apply for a private loan:

  • You should exhaust your federal student aid options before pursuing a private student loan
  • You should only consider a private education loan if you have reached your federal student loan borrowing limit or are not eligible for federal aid
  • Private student loans are usually higher-interest loans with interest that accrues while you are enrolled in school
  • Most lenders will require a co-signer for a private loan. The co-signer must have a good credit history
  • Only apply for one private loan at a time

How Can I Be Considered For a Private Education Loan?

To be considered for a Private Education Loan for the summer, you must first apply with a lender. Once you've applied with a lender, complete the Summer Private Loan Request form which is available through our Student Forms Portal. The form will be available by April 5th.

Deadline to Apply

Requests for a Private Loan for the Summer must be received prior to the end of your (the student) summer classes. The deadlines for Summer 2024 are:

  • If you enroll in Session I only, you must submit your loan application by June 21
  • If you enroll in Sessions I and II, you must submit your loan application by July 28
  • If you enroll in Session II only, you must submit your loan application by July 28
  • If you enroll in the Full Session (10 weeks), you must submit your loan application by July 28

Information Specific to Students Admitted for Summer 2022

Students admitted to the Credential Program for Summer 2024, who are enrolled in at least 6 units of required Credential Coursework (required by the state), may be eligible for certain types of financial aid to assist with their summer costs.

Please note:  Financial Aid for the Summer term is limited to FAFSA-eligible students only.

To be considered for financial aid for the Summer 2022 term, you must complete the 2023 - 2024 FAFSA. A separate 2024 - 2025 FAFSA must be filed to cover your Fall 2024 through Summer 2025 enrollment.

To be considered for Summer 2024 financial aid, be sure to complete your 2023 - 2024 FAFSA no later than June 1, 2024. Don't forget to include Cal Poly Pomona in the list of schools to receive your FAFSA - our school code is 001144-00.

Credential Students must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 units of coursework required by the State of California for the Credential in order to be eligible to receive financial aid.

Federal Pell Grant

Any Pell Grant disbursement you receive during the summer semester will be applied towards your overall Pell Lifetime Eligibility. Log in to your account on to view your Pell Grant usage and to determine the amount of eligibility you have remaining.

The Pell Grant will be packaged based on your enrollment at the time of packaging. If your enrollment changes after you are packaged with the grant, the amount of your grant will be adjusted.

Federal Direct Loans

The Federal Direct Loan limit for Credential Students is based off the Undergraduate Loan limits for the academic year ($5,500 for Dependent Students; $12,500 for Independent Students). Any amount you already borrowed during the 2023 - 2024 academic year is counted against your annual loan eligibility - and will impact the amount of loans available to you for the Summer term.

Important Information Regarding Summer Aid

General Eligibility Criteria

The Office of FInancial Aid and Scholarships will automatically review students who meet the following criteria for Summer Financial Aid - beginning April 5th:

  • Student is enrolled at least half-time in Summer 2024
  • Student does not have a May 2024 Graduation Check-Out on file
  • Student has an official 2023-2024 Aid Application on file with Cal Poly Pomona - with no outstanding To - Do List items.
  • Student has an aid-eligible SAP Status during Spring 2024 (Meets, Warning, Probation)

After satisfying all of the eligibility criteria listed above, students should allow up to ten business days to be reviewed for summer financial aid. The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships will notify students who are reviewed and packaged with summer financial aid through their Cal Poly Pomona email address.

Newly Admitted Credential Students for Summer 2024: We will be able to review your eligibility for summer aid once your admission status is confirmed. Summer Financial Aid will be packaged based on anticipated enrollment in at least 6 units of required Credential Coursework.

Currently Enrolled Credential Students: We recommend that current Credential students be enrolled in all intended summer classes no later than April 26th in order to be accurately packaged with Summer Financial Aid. Summer Financial Aid will be packaged based on the student's enrollment at the time of packaging.

Details for Specific Types of Aid

  • The Pell Grant will be packaged based on your enrollment at the time of packaging (at least 6 units required). If you change your enrollment throughout the summer but remain enrolled in at least least 6 units of required Credential Coursework, the amount of your grant will be adjusted.
  • Federal Direct Loans for the summer will only be released when you are enrolled in at least 6 units of required Credential Coursework.

The anticipated initial release date of financial aid for Summer 2023 is May 21, 2024 (if enrolled classes that begin on May 29th).

Summer Financial Aid will begin to be released to your account up to 8 days prior to the first day of your first summer class as long as you meet all other eligibility to receive financial aid including having no open To Do items, enrolled in minimum units required for the aid, and having an aid-eligible SAP Status.


  • Student A is enrolled in three units during the 1st 5 Week Session (Start date of May 29th) and three units during the 2nd 5 Week Session (start date of July 3rd). This student’s Federal Pell Grant and Federal Direct Loans will release on May 21st.

  • Student B is enrolled in six units, all during the 2nd 5 Week Session (start date of July 3rd). This student's Pell Grant and Cal Poly Pomona Summer Grant will release on July 3rd, which is the earliest date funds can be released due to fiscal year end close activities.

If your current SAP Status during the Spring semester is Financial Aid Warning or Financial Aid Probation, your summer financial aid will not be released until after we have completed our review of Spring grades and academic performance.

Details for Specific Types of Aid

  • The Pell Grant will be packaged based on your enrollment at the time of packaging (at least 6 units required). If you change your enrollment throughout the summer but remain enrolled in at least least 6 units of required Credential Coursework, the amount of your grant will be adjusted.
  • Federal Direct Loans for the summer will only be released when you are enrolled in at least 6 units of required Credential Coursework.

All offers of summer financial aid are contingent on students successfully completing courses for the Spring 2024 semester. We will review grades and academic performance at the end of the Spring semester and if you do not meet the requirements of our Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy, your summer financial aid will be canceled. If any summer financial aid funds have been disbursed prior to the SAP review, you will be billed.

If your current SAP Status during the Spring semester is Financial Aid Warning or Financial Aid Probation, your summer financial aid will not be released until after we have completed our review of Spring grades and academic performance.

Before you drop a summer class, read the refund and withdrawal policies in the Summer Class Schedule.

Dropping some of your courses

If you receive financial aid for summer and you drop one or more classes but not all classes before the end of the session, you may be required to repay part or all of the funds you received. If the withdrawal results in enrollment in fewer than 6 units of required Credential Coursework for summer, your financial aid is subject to cancellation.

Dropping all of your courses

If you receive financial aid for summer and you withdraw from all courses before the end of the term, you will most likely be required to return a portion of your aid. A calculation will be performed based on when you last attended and/or withdrew from your courses.

Your Satisfactory Academic Progress status will be affected if you drop a course during the summer and it results in a grade of W.