Submitting a Successful SAP Appeal
Cal Poly Pomona understands students may experience circumstances that impair their ability to be academically successful. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is a set of standards, required by federal law, that student’s must meet to receive Financial Aid. A complete description of Cal Poly Pomona's Policy can be found online.
We encourage students who have been disqualified from Financial Aid due to not meeting SAP to submit an appeal for consideration of reinstating your eligibility for financial aid. If you need additional help with your SAP appeal, please review the information below and consider making an appointment with a member of our team.
Overview of Appeals
To be eligible to receive financial aid, a student must meet and maintain the following three standards of satisfactory academic progress toward a degree or certificate.
Minimum Cumulative GPA
- 2.0 for Undergraduate students (1st Bachelor's degree)
- 3.0 for all Postbaccaluarreate students (2nd Bachelor's, Teaching Credential, Certificate, Master's, Doctorate)
Minimum Cumulative Pace of Completion (or Progress)
- At least 66.67% of all units attempted must be successfully completed. The pace of completion is calculated by dividing the cumulative units you have successfully completed by the cumulative hours you have attempted.
Maximum Time Frame
- Federal law states that the Maximum Time Frame a student has to complete their program – and receive financial aid – cannot exceed 150% of the program’s published length, measured in attempted units. Transfer units are included in the Maximum Time Frame.
- Review our Understanding Unit Maximums page for a listing of the SAP Attempted Unit Maximum for each program at Cal Poly Pomona.
SAP is evaluated at the end of each term to determine a student's eligibility for financial aid.
- If a student is not meeting the SAP Standards, they will either be placed on Financial Aid Warning or they will be Financial Aid Disqualified.
- Students are placed on Financial Aid Warning after the first term in which they do not meet the GPA or Pace standard. These students have one term in order to meet the standards again. They are eligible for aid during their Warning term.
- Students are Financial Aid Disqualified if they are unable to meet the SAP standards after their Warning semester. The student may appeal this decision. If approved, the student is placed on Financial Aid Probation and have one term in order to meet the standards again. They are eligible to receive aid during their Financial Aid Probation term.
- If it is not mathematically possible for the student to meet the SAP standards at the end of one term, they will be required to submit a SAP - Academic Plan with their SAP Statement of Appeal.
- If it is not mathematically possible for the student to meet the SAP standards at the end of one term, they will be required to submit a SAP - Academic Plan with their SAP Statement of Appeal.
- Students who are unable to complete their program within the 150% Maximum Time Frame are are Financial Aid Disqualified. The student may appeal this decision by submitting the Statement of Appeal and SAP - Maximum Time Frame Academic Plan. If approved, the student must follow the Academic Plan and only enroll in the remaining required courses for their program.
Federal Law defines the basis for a SAP Appeal as the death of a relative, an injury or illness of the student, or special circumstances as determined by the institution.
At Cal Poly Pomona, we recognize that there are a a variety of life challenges that may impact a student's academic performance. We have grouped the special circumstances (or obstacle to meeting SAP) into four categories:
- Academic
- Major or Career
- Personal or Financial
- Family or Social Adjustment
The following is intended to show the variety of obstacles that exist - and that you may have experienced. Any of these justify submitting an appeal.
- Issues with studying
- Struggling with time management
- Attendance issues (skipping class, showing up late)
- Registering for too many units
- Not knowing how to ask instructors for help during class or office hours
- Difficulty in keeping up in class during lectures or in-class assignments
- Difficulty of courses
- Having a hard time adjusting to college-level classwork and homework
Major or Career
- Being unsure about current major
- Not having a clear career goal
- Being unsure of educational goals
- Not being sure if it makes sense to be in college
- Change of major while at Cal Poly Pomona
- Excessive transfer units
Personal or Financial
- Experiencing financial difficulties
- Not having stable housing or about to lose housing
- Persistent physical health problems
- Struggling with mental health (including stress and anxiety)
- Having a general lack of motivation
- Unable to secure child care on a regular basis
- Experiencing transportation issues
- Working too many hours (work vs. school conflict)
- Victim of a crime, assault, or harassment
Family or Social Adjustment
- Roomate issues
- Relationship issues
- Biological or foster family issues
- Other personal relationship issues
- Divorce or separation (your own or your parents)
- Difficulty adjusting to college life
- Death of a family member, close friend, or roomate
- Having to provide care for a family member
- Experiencing domestic abuse
All SAP Appeals must be completed and submitted to the Office of Financial Aid no later than three weeks prior to the end of the term you are appealing your eligibility for. Be sure to submit your appeal (and any supporting or required documents) early so you can receive a timely decision, allowing you to plan accordingly.
Appeals must be reviewed before the end of the term (last day of finals) for which they are submitted. Financial aid cannot be reinstated retroactively for a prior term.
If you do not submit your appeal in a timely manner, and your appeal is denied after the term has started, you will be responsible for any and all costs incurred, including any costs related to a decision to withdraw from the semester.
Steps to Complete a SAP Appeal
SAP is measured after each semester at Cal Poly Pomona (Fall, Spring, Summer) and determines your eligibility to receive aid for the next semester of enrollment.
Step 1:
To view your SAP status, from the left navigation bar, select View SAP Status (under the Financial Section).
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Step 2:
This will open your Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for the Receipt of Financial Aid page.
Understanding the SAP Status Screen
The SAP Status screen is broken down into specific sections, with an overview of your evaluation appearing at the top. The overview contains information regarding when the evaluation was done, your academic program the evaluation was based on, and your overall status.
The remainder of the SAP Status screen has an Understanding Your Status section and the Details of SAP Evaluation.
Understanding Your Status:
This section provides information about your Overall SAP Status and eligibility for financial aid.
- If your status is Not Meets, information about your eligibility to submit an appeal will be displayed.
- If you submitted an appeal and it was approved, information about remaining eligible will be displayed.
- To view a complete description of the SAP standards at Cal Poly Pomona, click on the Cal Poly Pomona SAP Standards for the Receipt of Financial Aid link within this section. This will take you to the Understanding SAP Page on the Financial Aid website.
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Details of SAP Evaluation
The Details of SAP Evaluation section provides your status under each of the three SAP Standards (either Meet or Fail), as well as details about how you are measuring within each specific standard.
The GPA Standard:
A qualitative measure of progress as measured by your cumulative grade point average (GPA). This field displays the minimum GPA required by Cal Poly Pomona and your current cumulative GPA.
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The Pace Standard:
A quantitative measure which calculates the pace at which you are progressing toward program completion.
The required percentage is displayed as is your current percentage of units completed. You can also see the information about units attempted and units completed that were included in the calculation.
You must satisfactorily complete at least 67% of the cumulative credit hours attempted through your academic career in order to be able to complete your program within the Maximum Timeframe. For a detailed description of the types of units that are counted or are excluded for Pace, please refer to the Cal Poly Pomona Understanding SAP page.
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The Maximum Time Frame Standard:
A quantitative measure to determine if you are completing the academic program within a reasonable overall time frame based on attempted units. This field displays the maximum attempted units allowed for your academic program and the maximum units you have remaining.
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Please note: Remaining Units Attempted Allowed refers to the units remaining for the term in which SAP has been evaluated. Current units in progress are not deducted from the remaining unit total until the next SAP evaluation. For a detailed description of the types of units that are counted or are excluded for Maximum Time Frame, please refer to the Understanding SAP page.
For additional information on SAP appeals and procedures please refer to our Understanding SAPAll SAP Appeal forms are accessed through our Student Forms Portal. Any forms required as part of your SAP Appeal will be pre-assigned to your task list within the Portal.
In addition to the SAP Statement of Appeal form, you may have other forms required.
If you were disqualified after having been on Financial Aid Probation or for not following a previous academic plan, you will need to work with our office to complete your SAP - Academic Plan form.
- Your SAP Academic Plan will be specific to you in regards to what you should do to make academic progress, such as taking a reduced courseload or obtaining a specific minimum term GPA.
- Your Academic Plan must cover as many semesters as necessary for you to either meet the SAP standards (GPA and Pace) or graduate from your degree program, whichever is earliest.
If you were disqualified for exceeding the Maximum Time Frame (maximum number of attempted units allowed for aid eligibility for your program), you will need to have your advisor complete the SAP - Maximum Time Frame Academic Plan form.
- Your Maximum Time Frame Academic Plan identifies the impact of any changes of major or excess transfer units have had on your Maximum Time Frame. In addition, your advisor must provide a listing of all remaining required courses (including GE’s) that you must completed in order to complete your primary program.
Any extension of financial aid eligibility is limited to only those courses that are required to complete your current degree program (eligibility cannot be extended to allow for pursuit of minors or additional objectives)
You must meet with a member of our team to review your Statement of Appeal prior to submitting the form. The Statement of Appeal was designed to help you identify obstacles that have impacted your academic progress - and to develop solutions to overcome them. The member of our team will be able to confirm you have provided the necessary, required information and will then sign off on your Statement of Appeal form. Additionally, we can work with you in identifying any additional resources or support that may be able to support you in achieving academic success.
Once you have completed all required items for your SAP Appeal, you must submit the forms through the Financial Aid Student Forms Portal.
Once all items have been uploaded and you have submitted the appeal for review, your appeal will be routed to our Appeals Committee. It may take up to three weeks for your appeal to be reviewed and a decision to be made.
The SAP Appeal Committee will work to review appeals as quickly as possible, however, appeal decisions may not be available until after classes have begun for the appeal semester. Students are responsible for payment of all Cal Poly Pomona tuition and fees regardless of the outcome of their appeal.
Students will be notified via their official CPP email account once the committee has reached a decision.
- Students with an approved SAP Appeal will be placed on Financial Aid Probation and will be granted one semester of financial aid (if otherwise eligible). At the end of the Financial Aid Probation semester, the student must be meeting the SAP Standards or will again be subject to Financial Aid Disqualification.
- Students who have been placed on Financial Aid Probation and are following a SAP Academic Plan may continue to be eligible for aid provided they adhere to the terms of their Plan (even if not meeting the SAP Standards).
- Students who are granted an Extension of Eligibility (Maximum Time Frame appeal approved) will be considered to be Meeting SAP based on the extended time frame. These students will remain eligible for aid as long as they adhere to their SAP - Maximum Time Frame Academic Plan.
- Students whose appeal is denied may submit a written request for a 2nd review of the appeal to the Director of Financial Aid & Scholarships.
Tips for Completing Your Appeal
Take Time to Review Your History
SAP is based on your cumulative / overall academic history - not just your most recent term of attendance.
- Review your Unofficial Transcript to identify the semesters where you failed to complete classes or received low grades.
- Which terms / years did you experience obstacles to your success (a grade received, or unable to successfully complete a course)?
- What caused those obstacles?
- Create a timeline of events to review with your advisor.
- Review your Degree Progress Report to identify which program requirements have been satisfied and which ones still must be completed. This will help in determining how to best plan your enrollment and development of any academic plans.
Provide specifics
Be as specific as possible in your Statement of Appeal. SAP is a cumulative review of your academic performance; review your enrollment activity for all terms you have attended.
- What are specific examples of changes that you will make or resources that you will use to ensure those challenges don't occur again - and to ensure your future academic success (e.g., EOP advising, counseling, tutoring, etc.).
- Instead of I plan to study more, attend all my classes, and try harder
- State I am meeting with my professor once a week for chemistry. I have started keeping a planner to mark out assignment deadlines. I will be getting tutoring for my engineering courses. I have reduced my hours at work to 15 hours per week, and will only work on days I don't have class.
- Instead of I will continue to do my best.
- State I have an accountability partner that will check with me weekly. I will meet with my academic advisor the first Tuesday of every month. I am meeting with a counselor at from CAPS to talk about my parent’s divorce.
Failure to adequately explain your strategies for success may result in your appeal being denied.
Attach any relevant supporting documentation
Supporting documentation is not required, however based on your situation or circumstances, you may wish to include documentation to further support your appeal and increase the likelihood of approval.
Some examples of supporting documentation include:
- Doctor's statement on official letterhead
- Copy of hospital/urgent care/physician's bill
- Obituary, funeral notice or death certificate
- Changes to work schedule
- Notice of accommodations from Disability Resource Center
The documentation you submit will depend on your individual situation (some situations may not have documentation).