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Veterans Affairs (VA)

Different Chapters

  • Ch. 33 (Post 9/11 GI Bill®)
  • Ch. 31 (Veteran Readiness and Employment Program)
  • Ch. 1606 (Montgomery GI Bill® for Selected Reserves)
  • Ch. 35 (Dependents Education Assistance)
  • Ch. 30 (Montgomery GI Bill®)

  • Ch. 33 – The payment and maximum amounts listed will be prorated based on your Ch 33 eligibility percentage rates if you are not eligible for the full benefit.  The following information is based on the fact that an individual has a 100% benefit level.  Full tuition and fees will be covered.  The Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) for Cal Poly Pomona’s zip code is $3,171 for full-time.  Lastly, $1,000 is allotted for book stipend per academic year.  $41.67 per unit certified. 



  • Armed Forces Tuition Assistance (TA) is a benefit paid to eligible members of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard. Congress has provided each service the ability to pay up to 100% of the tuition expenses of its members. Each service has its own criteria for eligibility, obligated service, application process and restrictions. Please consult your Educational Services Officer (ESO) or counselor within your military service branch prior to enrolling at Cal Poly Pomona for further information regarding Tuition Assistance (TA). This funding is usually paid directly to the institution by the individual services. For more information, visit


  1. Student will ensure he/she does not have any holds that will prevent them from registering (i.e Advising Hold, Financial Hold, GWT Hold, etc.)
  2. Check that a valid Education Plan is on file with the VA Certifying Official.
  3. Register for classes.
  4. Complete the VA Benefits Certification on BroncoDirect for the term individual requests to be certified:
    1. How To Video for certification.
    2. How to Complete VA Benefits Certification guide (PDF).
  5. VA Certifying Official will verify classes are fulfilling degree requirements.
  6. If everything is in order, VA Certifying Official will certify student using Enrollment Manager.
  7. Student will receive a confirmation e-mail from the Enrollment Manager.

  • Rounding Out for Ch. 33 – If a student has not used Ch. 30 and only used Ch. 33 during his educational career, he can use the Round Out process. Rounding Out can only be used for the student’s last term at Cal Poly Pomona.  If the student has less than full time units for his/her last semester, he/she can take additional classes (not related towards their degree) to receive full time benefits.
  • If a student has not used Ch. 30 and only used Ch. 33 during his/her educational career, this next process can also be utilized. If a Student has one day of benefits left on his/her Ch. 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill® benefits, that one day of benefits can cover the student for the entire semester.  If you want to verify, please email the VA Certifying Official at
  • Students using Chapter 1606 will need to verify enrollment with the VA at the end of every month to get compensated for that month (ex. Verify on 03/31 to get paid for March)
  • Students should check their e-mail on a daily basis. All communication and information is provided to students CPP e-mail.
  • Never Assume. If you have a question or are unsure of an answer, please do not hesitate to ask.