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Official and Unofficial Transcripts

Cal Poly Pomona has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) to provide transcript orders via the National Student Clearinghouse service.  The official transcript documents produced by NSC are official and contain all pertinent course information as recorded by the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.  Students and alumni can use a secure, web-based system to order official transcripts 24 hours a day, seven (7) days a week from anywhere in the world.  Students and alumni may order official transcripts online using a major credit card and track the status of their orders.  Transcript requests are processed within the processing time indicated below.  Official transcripts may be delivered electronically, or mailing via U.S. First Class or Expressed. 

Transcript Information

Transcript Type Fees Processing Time

Official Transcript-Hard Copy via SecurePrint (transcripts prior to 2004)

$6.85 per transcript

Up to 21 business days

Official Transcript-Hard Copy via SecurePrint for Mailing

$6.85 per transcript

Up to 5 business days (Mail Delivery may vary depending on recipient's location)

Official Electronic Transcript

$10.40 per transcript

Up to 48 hours*

Unofficial Transcript via Student Center in BroncoDirect

Free and available only for current students


Order Official Transcripts

To order your official transcript via the National Student Clearing House, click link: NSC Transcript Ordering Center.

Important items before placing your transcript order:

  • For Transcript Ordering FAQ, please visit the National Student Clearinghouse website by clicking:  NSC - My Student Center.
  • Before completing your request, please verify that all grades have been posted. If you are a recent graduate, also verify that your degree has been awarded. Your transcripts will not be held for missing grades or degree pending.
  • For grade changes and repeated courses, please verify via BroncoDirect, that your record reflects your updated requests before ordering your transcript online.
  • For students who attended before Fall 1987, express delivery is unavailable for these requests, and the processing time may take up to 21 business days.
  • Transcript will no be released until your student account hold has been cleared.

*Official transcripts may be delivered electronically or via mail. Express Mail delivery is available for an additional charge. Transcript requests for pick up at the campus is unavailable. Please DO NOT select Express Mail option if you attended before Fall 1987 because these transcript orders may take up to 21 business days to fulfill.  In addition, orders may take up to 21 business days to process if you attended before 2004 due to data validation.  

Official Transcript - Delivered by Mail & Elecrtronically

Official Transcript

Official transcripts may be ordered online through National Student Clearinghouse for all students and delivered by mail in 2 business days.

The site will walk you through placing your order, including delivery options (U.S. Mail or Expressed) and charges.  Express delivery is available, and an additional charge will apply.  You may order multiple transcripts to be sent to various recipients with a valid credit card.  Charges will be assessed after your order has been completed.  Order updates may be available via text message or email.  Additional information on official transcript ordering services can be found by clicking on this link: NSC - Welcome to My Student Center.

  • If you attended Cal Poly Pomona during or before Fall 1987, transcripts may be delayed in processing for further review.
  • Attachments can be uploaded online and must be official documents, i.e., CASPA, NursingCAS, VMCAS, PTCAS, MCAS, DICAS, PharmCAS. You cannot include Resumes, Letters of Recommendation, Transcripts from other Universities, Birth Certificates, etc.

How to order Official Transcripts through National Student Clearinghouse Order Transcripts Online - step by step instructions (PDF). T

o find out about the mailing timeframes, please click this link: Transcript Delivery Timeframe.

Official transcripts may be ordered online through National Student Clearinghouse for all students and delivered electronically in 24 to 48 hours.

  • Ordered Online-Delivered by Electronic PDF: a secure link will be delivered to the recipient’s email address, with a password provided. 
  • Ordered Online-Delivered by Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX): ETX is only available if the recipient participates in this service.  If the recipient participates, this will be the only option available for the delivery method. 
  • Before ordering, be sure the recipient will accept E-transcripts. Also, be sure you have the correct email address of the recipient. The email address provided should be the intended recipient of the E-transcript. The E-transcript is considered unofficial if it is forwarded. Please note that access to the electronic transcript will expire 30 days after it has been created.  For the electronic PDF transcript to load correctly, you must open it with Adobe Reader on a laptop or desktop computer (it will not load on a smartphone or tablet device with Adobe Touch). 
    • A student can resend the email up to 3 times within 30 days from when the transcript was originally sent.
    • To resend a transcript download link email, a student would go to the Transcript Order Status site.
      1. The student enters their transcript order number, found in their confirmation email, and email address.
      2. Once logged in, the student clicks the Get Details button next to the recipient’s name
      3. On the Order Details page, the student will see a green Resend Transcript Link button at the top of the page. Clicking the Resend Transcript Link button will send a new email with electronic transcript download link to the recipient email address listed above the buttons.
      4. The student can also follow the link to the Transcript Download Center in their order confirmation email and click the checkbox followed by the Resend Access Code button below the login area.
  • E-transcripts can be sent within 24-48 hours from the date requested. However, if you attended Cal Poly Pomona during or before Fall 1987, the E-transcript may take up to 21 business days to process.
  • If you attended before 2004 and are requesting an E-transcript processing may be delayed for further review.
  • Attachments can be uploaded online and must be official documents, i.e, CASPA, NursingCAS, VMCAS, PTCAS, MCAS, DICAS, PharmCAS. You cannot include Resumes, Letters of Recommendation, Transcripts from other Universities, Birth Certificates, etc.
  • WARNING: E-transcripts are intended to be delivered directly to third parties for one-time use. Printed copies of these transcripts display the word "COPY" over the entire page. If your intention is to obtain a printed copy of an official transcript for yourself, you may request a SecurePrint transcript.

  Instruction to Open a Transcript with Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF)

Unofficial Transcript for Active Students Only

For active students, an unofficial transcript is available through your Student Center in BroncoDirect.  An active BroncoName and password is required to access BroncoDirect. If you are having trouble with your account, please contact Cal Poly Pomona's Help Desk at (909) 869-6776 or visit our IT Contact Information webpage for assistance.