Physics and Astronomy

Petition Procedures

Academic Petitions Overview

Academic Petitions Overview (As of June 26, 2023)

NOTE: All petitions are student-initiated unless otherwise stated.

Petition Type

Definition and Use

E-Form or Paper

Needed Signatures (and days before auto-escalated)


Course Substitution or Acceptance of Transfer Coursework Request

To be used when work completed in a class at a previous institution is comparable to a course at CPP. The form is advisor-initiated, and the student will need to provide a course description or course syllabus. This form should also be used for a substitution for coursework taken at CPP.

E-Form (*NEW)

Advisor initiates

  • Student
  • Course Chair/Director of Undergrad Studies (21 days)
  • Major Chair (21 days)
  • College Dean (21 days)
  • AVP SISS (If denied/ stalled)

Registrar’s Website

General Academic Petition (GAP)

To be used ONLY when discrepancies cannot otherwise be addressed by a course substitution form.

E-Form (*NEW)

Advisor initiates

  • Student can cancel
  • Major Chair (45 days)
  • College Dean (21 days)
  • AVP SISS (If denied/stalled)

Registrar’s Website

Petition to Waive Restrictions on Course Repeats

To be used when students wish to repeat a course in which they have already received a “C” or better, OR if a student wishes to retake a course for a fourth time.

E-Form (*NEW)

  • Chair (3 days)
  • College Dean (3 days)
  • AVP for Student Success reviews if stalled after 6 days

Registrar’s Website

Petition to Exceed Unit Cap

To be used during the Add/Drop Period when students want to increase their unit load over 18 units.

E-Form (*NEW)

  • Advisor (3 days)
  • Chair (3 days)
  • Assoc. Dean reviews if denied or stalls after 6 days
  • AVP for Student Success reviews if stalls with Assoc. Dean

Registrar’s Website

Schedule Conflict Override Petition

To be used when meeting times for two classes overlap, and the student has permission to attend both.

DocuSign Form (*NEW)

  • Instructors
  • Chairs (3 days)
  • AVP for Student Success reviews if stalled after 6 days

Registrar’s Website

Request to Delay Graduation Form

To be used when a student has an extenuating circumstance for not graduating in a particular term.

E-Form (*NEW)

  • Assoc. Provost

Registrar’s Website

Withdrawal for Serious and Compelling Reasons

Students with compelling reasons to withdraw after the 20th day through the 12th week of instruction must complete this form. After week 12, students will need to visit the BAC to explore options.


  • Chair (7 days)
  • College Dean (7 days)
  • Assoc. Provost

OSS Website

Grade Appeal

To be used when a student feels they can demonstrate that the grade reported by the instructor does not reflect the quality of evaluated

work submitted in class.


  • University Course Grade Appeals Committee

OSS Website

Retroactive Withdrawal

To be used to petition a student’s withdrawal from all classes in one or more terms after those terms have ended. Students who received F or WU grades in ALL coursework taken those terms, and have compelling reasons are eligible to apply.


  • Retroactive Withdrawal Committee

OSS Website

Leave of Absence Form

To be used when students find it necessary to break enrollment for more than one term for professional or academic opportunities, medical, and financial reasons.


  • Chair (no timer)
  • Graduate Coordinator (If applicable, no timer)
  • College Dean (no timer)
  • Registrar

Registrar’s Website

Curriculum Year Change Request Form

To be used when a student wants to change their catalog requirements at the time of graduation.


  • Routed straight to the Registrar’s Office

Registrar’s Website

Change of Major

or Option Form

To be used when a student wants to change or

declare a major or option.


  • Chair (120 days)
  • Assoc. Dean reviews if pending after 120 days

Registrar’s Website

Optional CR/NC Grading Request

(non-Spring 20)

To be used when a student elects to be graded on a CR/NC basis in courses that are designated by the

Catalog as approved for optional grading.


  • Routed straight to the Registrar’s Office

Registrar’s Website

GWT Waiver

To be used when a student has attempted the GWT at least three times as well as received tutoring from the LRC. The GWT waiver may also be used for students who completed CPU 4010 but did not pass.

Fillable PDF


for now)

  • GWT Waiver Committee

OSS Website

Credit by Examination Form

To be used when a regularly enrolled student wants to obtain university credit for subject matter in which they are especially qualified through nontraditional education or experience.

Fillable PDF

  • Chair
  • Chair of Course
  • Instructor
  • Cashier

Registrar’s Website

Minor Course Substitution Request

(formerly Minor Program Course Approval)

A student may use a Minor Program Course Approval form when they need to substitute a required minor course.

Fillable PDF

  • Student
  • Chair of Minor
  • Dean of Minor

Registrar’s Website

Grade Extension Petition

To be used when an extension for the Incomplete (“I”) or Report In Progress (“RP”) grade is needed after the deadline. This petition must be initiated by

the instructor of record.

Fillable PDF

  • Instructor

Registrar’s Website