Polykroma 2022
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Poly-Kroma 2022, celebrating the Fine Arts and Visual Communication Design work by Cal Poly Pomona students with a virtual "2d3d+ Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition", and virtual "Industry Portfolio Showcase" — featuring the Class of 2022 Visual Communication Design majors' senior portfolios. Join us for our on-site exhibition on Thursday, April 28 - Sunday, May 22, 2022!
Listed dates may be subject to change, postponement, or cancellation.
MARCH 1 - MARCH 30, 2022
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30 @11:59pm
email each Entry Form separately to artgalleries@cpp.edu
(and those not selected) on or before APRIL 4, 2022 — check @cpp.edu email for notification
SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 2022 @ 12-4pm
@ Kellogg University Art Gallery (35A)
THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 2022 @ 6-8pm
@ Kellogg University Art Gallery (35A)
FRIDAY, MAY 20, 2022 @ 4-6pm
@ Kellogg University Art Gallery (35A)
Friday, April 8, 2022 @ 10am-2pm
Monday, May 23, 2022 @ 10am-2pm
ENTRIES MUST HAVE BEEN COMPLETED WITHIN THE LAST YEAR. Artwork must have been created in the coursework of Art Dept classes anytime from March 2021 through to the present. This is an annual show and is intended to reflect the art student work over the last year.
ENTRIES MUST BE PART OF ART DEPARTMENT CLASS COURSEWORK. The call for artwork is open to all Cal Poly Pomona Art Dept Majors and students who have completed the submitted artwork in Art classes through the Art Dept. The show is required to demonstrate the work done as part of Art Department classes. The show is required to demonstrate the work done as part of Art Department classes. As a result, instructor signature verification will be required. No extra-curricular, outside-of-Art-Dept-coursework may be entered as part of this Art Dept show.
FOR ALL DIGITAL ARTWORK ENTRIES, including 2D, 3D, 4D AND 5D ARTWORKS please provide the following:
- A well-taken, good-quality, lo-res thumbnail photograph of the artwork, the way it is intended to be viewed, frontally (not angled view). Insert image as required into the TOP RIGHT IMAGE BOX in Section 1 of your Submission Form for each entry form submitted;
- A well-taken, good-quality, hi- to mid-level resolution photograph of the artwork (can be the same as above), the way it is intended to be viewed frontally (not angled view). Insert image as required into the into the LARGE BOX in SECTION 4, on page 2, of your Submission Form for each entry form submitted. The quality of the image, more often than not, does affect the jurorsʼ selections.
- 2D ARTWORK will be required to be framed or mounted properly, with hanging devices readily provided if selected. Please prepare work accordingly.
- Highly Recommended: 3D ARTWORKS that require 2-3 alternate (front, back, or ¾) views may be combined into one image and inserted into the LARGE BOX in SECTION 4, on page 2, of your Submission Form.
- The SECTION 4 image provided, as placed on page 2 of the Submission Form, will be the image viewed by the jurors for determination of whether the work will be exhibited or not. Please make sure to represent your work and yourself well.
- Well-taken, good-quality, hi- to mid-level resolution photographs of all 4-sides of each 3D artwork entered, and the component parts of any artwork that has 3D elements. Make sure each image is taken with straight-on, frontal/elevation views, each side view straight-on, and top and bottom as straight-on, aerial views, only if necessary. You may also provide angled or fractionally facing views (¾ angle views) whenever beneficial.
- Provide no more than 8 images for this purpose, and keep combined MB total to 25MB or less for easy email-ability, along with your completed Submission Form.
- A good-quality digital PDF Presentation of your work, so it may be assessed virtually by the jurors.
- For BOOKS (whether hand-made, digital or combination), magazines, pamphlets, or other publication type media: Provide a good-quality PDF including every page of a book, organized in the correct order, so it may be assessed virtually by the jurors. Also incl. docs/images for any front cover, back cover, and book spine, if applicable.
- Send these additional images, or files, as attachments in a compressed file for easy email-ability, along with your completed Submission Form with the required main image of your choosing in SECTIONS 1 and 4 as required for all submissions.
- Provide website or video file submissions as a link listed on your entry form in SECTION 1, or include as an attachment, in MP4 format, with the maximum dimensions of 1920 x 1080px with good quality resolution (1080p recommended) along with your entry form.
Make sure to include “stills” in SECTIONS 1 and 4 of your completed Submission Form as required for all submission.
ARTWORK SUBMISSION ENTRY FORMS are available starting March 1, 2022 and due for return with required instructorsʼ signatures by March 30, 2022. An entry form is required for each submission (no more than 3/student).
TO REQUEST DIGITAL ENTRY FORM(S) send an email to artgalleries@cpp.edu with the following:
Your First and Last Name,
Bronco ID,
Best Phone Number to reach you (make sure VM is set-up and not full),
Your Major, and
the Number of Artwork Entry Forms being Requested(1, 2, or 3; limit 3 per student).
Each submission form REQUIRES INSTRUCTOR’S CERTIFICATION that the item was created as a result of a class project in the Art Dept. and will require identification of each of the following as verification: class project title, class name, semester taken, and instructor signature. Dept. Chair signature may be used in lieu of faculty memberʼs if not available to sign or on sabbatical.
Students are also required to PROPERLY COMPLETE EACH ENTRY FORM for each entry (limit 3/student) and provide a DIGITAL IMAGE ENTRY of each submitted artwork within its corresponding entry form for easy identification of artworks to be signed-off by instructors, and easily identified by gallery staff, as per instructions on each entry form, and as indicated above in the Terms of Submission. Email each Entry Form separately and with its corresponding compressed files, docs, and/or additional images, to artgalleries@cpp.edu. Each entry form will be assigned a number. Make sure to use that number in the Subject Line of each entryʼs corresponding email when submitting your entry.
PHYSICAL EXHIBITION READY TO HANG/DISPLAY REQUIREMENT: ALL 2D and 3D selected submissions MUST be prepared for safely hanging, or properly mounted for display. 4D/5D MUST be provided in the proper formats. ALL works MUST be free of type-os, spelling or grammatical errors. Please proof accordingly, then proof again. Please make sure to represent your work and yourself well.