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2d3d+ Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition &
Industry Day: Graduating VCD Senior Portfolio Showcase
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Visual Communication Design majors assisted Art faculty member Kevin Moore in creating Rhinoceros- and Unreal Engine-based virtual exhibition designs of the Kellogg Gallery’s exhibition space during COVID-19 pandemic, 2020. Industry Portfolio Showcase of Class of 2020 graduating Seniors, Polykroma 2020.

Gallery Student Assistants (from foreground to background, left to right): Art History major, Atineh Movsesian (2016-19); Lead Gallery Assistant and Visual Communication Design major, Jed Irish Dar Juan (2018-20); Visual Communication Design major, Bridget Macario (2018-21); Architecture major, Katrina Santos (2018-21); Art History major, Jessica Dickerson (2016-19); Visual Communication Design major, Jasmin Najarro (2018-20); and University Galleries and Collections Curator, Michele Cairella Fillmore in front of a 2019 Polykroma social media camera shot spot.
Ink & Clay
An Annual Juried Professional Art Exhibition featuring art made with “ink” or “clay” or mixed media combination

Email all other inquiries to:
artgalleries@cpp.edu or go to Contact Us for more contact information.
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Gallery Student Assistants (from left to right, top to bottom): Landscape Architecture major, Seth van der Linden (2014); Lead Gallery Assistant and Graphic Design major, Kathryn Izquierdo-Gallegos (2011-15); Graphic Design major, Tyler Stewart (2013-14); Gallery Curator, Michele Cairella Fillmore; Public Relations major, Freddie Muhleman (2013-14); Lead Gallery Assistant and Architecture major, Socrates Medina (2013-18).