W. Keith & Janet Kellogg University Art Gallery

1989 Senior Show

1989 Senior Show

Jun 1, 1989 to Jun 20, 1989

Location: Kellogg University Art Gallery

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Cal poly pomonaWork by Becky Aguirre, Taline Avedissian, Jennifer Dana, Jane DeRose, Kim Dillbeck, Jeff Di Toro, Meredith Gardner, Gillian Grady, Phoung Fabre, Wendy Nissen, Tiffany Penington, Maricela Perdomo, Viet Pho, Karen Shomaker, Barbara Souza, Martin Villarreal, and Adrien Tuen.


1989 senior show

Opening Reception: June 1, 1989, 7:00-9:00pm

Virtual Exhibition



1989 senior show1989 senior show