Center for Community Engagement

Funding Opportunities

The CCE Impact Grant is designed to increase the number and quality of high-impact (PolyX) teaching practices on campus and respond to critical needs in Pomona and the Greater Los Angeles area through meaningful engagement.

service learning course


* Applications are now open. Deadline to apply is 5:00 PM on April 26, 2024.

The Faculty Fellows Program is designed to assist faculty with integrating service-learning into a new course. The program will include 3-5 faculty members from across the campus. Tenured, tenure-track and lecturers are eligible to apply. 

Applications will be reviewed by the Center for Community Engagement. Applicants are evaluated on three areas with a rating of 0-5: 1) if they effectively described their interest in participating in the program, 2) if they effectively described how service-learning fits into the proposed or existing course, and 3) if the application was thoughtfully organized. Reviewers have a total of 15 points to award.

Application MUST include an email of support from your Department Chair by the deadline. Late applications will not be considered.

For more information regarding this program, please contact the Center for Community Engagement at (909) 869-4269 or

Apply Now

·       Attend a minimum of 6 meetings/workshops on service-learning from June 2024 to June 2025.
·       Create a service-learning course syllabus for a new course.
·       Consult with CCE staff for course learning outcome development.
·       Apply for the official service-learning designation for Spring Semester 2025 by September 1, 2024.
·       Implement service-learning course (at least pilot) by Spring Semester 2025.
·       Utilize service-learning placement software BroncoSERV to assist with service-learner tracking of hours, projects and partners.

·       $2,000 honorarium/stipend to be given to faculty member upon completion of program requirements. Applicable taxes will be taken out and payments will be made throughout the 2024-2025 academic year.
·       A $1,000 materials allowance to be used for supporting community-based projects (In accordance with state funding guidelines. Funds will be transferred directly to academic department once community project is approved).
·       Professional development opportunity to be used for retention, tenure and promotion.
·       Fulfill existing needs identified in community.
·       Create opportunities for meaningful learning experiences for Cal Poly Pomona students.


CCE Impact Grants 2023-2024

The Center for Community Engagement is excited to announce funding for the 2023-2024 CCE Impact Grant. The Impact Grant is designed to assist faculty with integrating curricular engaged learning (service-learning and community-engaged learning) in Spring 2024 S/CEL course. Projects must be curricular, related to course academic learning objectives, reflective of CPP's university values, and address a community-identified need. Tenured, tenure-track, and lecturers are eligible to apply.

The CCE Impact Grant promotes:
- Growth of community-engaged learning and diversity/global learning as high-impact pedagogy.
- Community and faculty collaboration(s) and co-education.

CCE Impact Grants, up to $1,000 per grant, will be awarded to engaged faculty and community teams working to address critical social issues in Pomona or the Greater Los Angeles area. This includes direct service and/or community-based research in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The application is due November 17, 2023, at 5:00 PM. Existing engaged faculty members are encouraged to apply. To provide an opportunity for various engaged faculty to be awarded an Impact Grant, new applicants will have first consideration. Faculty must be logged into MyCPP/BroncoSERV to access application.

For more information regarding this program, please contact the Center for Community Engagement at (909) 869-4269 or

Apply Now!

All CPP faculty are invited to participate. Projects addressing the United Nations, 2030 Sustainable Development Goals will be given priority.

Projects MUST have a curricular component (i.e., service-learning course, community-engaged learning). The CCE Impact Grant is designed to increase the number and quality of high-impact (PolyX) teaching practices on campus and respond to critical needs in Pomona and the Greater Los Angeles area through meaningful engagement. For more information, see High Impact Practices.

  • Faculty and community partner(s) need to agree on the best use of the funds to create mutually beneficial outcomes. The community partner should be identified and should be consulted in the development of the project.
  • With the support of the CCE staff, faculty will be asked to assess both student learning and community impact. This information needs to be provided to the Center for Community Engagement for assessment purposes by the end of the semester.
  • Faculty will be asked to present their projects at an appropriate venue as arranged by the Center for Community Engagement (i.e. Academic Innovation PolyX Showcase or CCE Annual Event).
  • The Center for Community Engagement encourages Impact Grant recipients to take advantage of opportunities for publication and presentations about these innovative projects.

Click to view the Engaged Faculty sample budget and grant guidlines form.

  • Materials and supplies for projects with your community partner, or other costs related to the planning, implementation, or evaluation of your engaged-learning activities. This could include supplies for your service work (e.g., materials for a project, paint for a mural, tools for a community garden).
  • Travel (airfare, hotel, per diem) to present an engaged learning paper/project at your discipline’s annual conference, or appropriate community-based research expenses.

  • Food, receptions, and/or banquets, scholarships, awards, gifts, or other prize monies
  • Faculty course release time, reimbursement of mileage for travel to service sites
  • Honorariums or stipends for guest speakers, travel insurance, lease of facilities
  • Campaigning or political mailing