Credential Programs

CalTPA Cycle Materials

The Year 6 (2023 – 2024) for Multiple Subject and Single Subject and the Year 1 (2022-2023) for Education Specialist assessment materials for candidate submissions after 7/7/2022 are provided below. Candidates should also review the Guidelines for Completing the CalTPA in an Online or Hybrid Setting.

ALERT! Candidates with outstanding submissions are strongly encouraged to read the updated Year 6 Assessment Guide and Summary of Assessment Changes: Year 5 to Year 6. Although the cycle passing scores have not changed, a few of the rubrics have been updated.

CalTPA Cycle Materials

Click here for a summary of updates from year 5 to year 6

Click here for information on how to submit a request for alternative arrangements due to

  • A diagnosed disability
  • Placement in a setting that prohibits video recording