Credential Programs

Former CalTPA

Candidates enrolled in our Multiple or Single Subject Program that completed a portion of the TPA prior to Fall 2018 have the option of completing the current CalTPA Cycle Model (Recommended) or the former, July 2008 CalTPA Task Model. All other candidates must complete the Current CalTPA Cycles to receive their credential. The original CalTPA includes four tasks that measure the former Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs):

 Task 1: Subject-Specific Pedagogy

 Task 2: Designing Instruction

 Task 3: Assessing Learning

 Task 4: Culminating Teaching Experience

For more information please visit the July 2008 CalTPA Teacher Candidate Information Website

Candidates that opt to complete the original CalTPA must meet with our TPA Coordinator to develop a submission plan, follow our TPA Task completion process and submit and pass all remaining tasks within 2 years of their program admission date.