Turf Club

About This Club

The "Turf Club" is an exceptional student club because of its strong association with the turf industry.  No other student club at Cal Poly Pomona is connected to its industry as the Turf Club.

The Turf Club participates in several activities during the year, each unique in functionality and form. The objective of participation and organizing events is to provide opportunities to its members such as professional growth and development through national conferences.  The club establishes relationships with the local community and raises funds by its presence at the annual Cal Poly Pumpkin Festival. The club's participation in events such as the Landscape, Turf and Equipment Expo, Sport Turf Manager Association (STMA) and Golf Industry Show strengthen its relations with the sports, urban/landscape and golf industry.

Historically, the Turf Club has shown exemplary success at the Annual National Collegiate Turf Bowl Competition, GIS.  In the last 5 years, CPP turf teams have finished in the top 10 out of 70 teams internationally and in both 2016 and 2017, finished second!

Mission Statement: To facilitate the interest of Cal Poly Pomona students and associates, interested in pursuing a career in urban/landscape, golf and sports turf, and turf irrigation.  The objective is to provide a platform from which students can: 1) grow professionally and develop relationships with industry professionals; 2) apply and compete for turf-industry scholarships; 3) obtain internships and job opportunities, and 4)  participate in non-traditional educational opportunities.

2016 Turf Bowl

Turf Club at a club booth

2019 - 2020 Officers & More

President: Phuc Nguyen
Vice President: Hailey Taniguchi
Scheduler: Julisse Gomez
Treasurer: Matthew Ho
Advisor: Priti Saxena and Alan Moss
Club Email: psaxena@cpp.edu
Club Website: https://www.cpp.edu/~agri/student-life/clubs-organizations/gcsaa.shtml
Meeting Date/Time/Location:   94-260
Club Majors: Plant Science, Landscape Architecture, Agricultural Science
Number of Members: 20
Club Events & Activities: Pumpkin Festival, Cal Poly CUP
Annual Trips/Travel: Turf Bowl, sports field and golf course visits
Mission: Provide a unique and hands-on experience in the professional world of turf grass.