
About Our College

The Huntley College of Agriculture offers a variety of applied science programs in agricultural science, animal health science, animal science, food science and technology, nutrition science and dietetics, and plant science, as well as management and technology programs in agribusiness and food industry management and apparel merchandising and management

We are the founding college at Cal Poly Pomona and a key aspect of the university’s identity and heritage.  Located in Los Angeles County, the largest in the nation with more than 10 million people, and close to the second-largest U.S. city, we are committed to the development and support of urban agriculture and sustainable food, agriculture, and related systems in California. 

Our educational programs prepare our students for exciting careers in the food, agriculture, nutritional health, animal health, and apparel sectors as well as opportunities in federal and state agencies.  We are the primary provider of undergraduate and graduate degree programs in these disciplines in Southern California.  

Our orchards, greenhouses, vineyards, large urban farm with organic certified acreage, animal units and laboratories, veterinary clinic, food science laboratories, experimental kitchens, and digital apparel design, production and retail laboratories, provide hands-on experiences for our students under Cal Poly Pomona’s “learn by doing” philosophy. Our students engage with the campus and local community, gaining practical experience working with faculty and staff in our AGRIscapes Center, the Discovery Farm, and the Farm Store and with the extended community through industry internships, volunteer activities, and other interactions. Our faculty are engaged teacher-scholars with a strong commitment to student success, diversity, equity, and inclusion.

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Don B. HuntleyPistachio farmer. Renaissance man. Proud alumnus.

Don Huntley is living proof of the value of a Cal Poly Pomona education, with its emphasis on hands-on, experiential learning. And he's given back to his beloved alma mater in extraordinary fashion.

Read About Don Huntley

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