Study Abroad

Program Discovery

CPP currently offers over 100 study abroad programs to over 60 countries all around the world. Programs are academically  focused with credit that counts toward  graduation and your degree. Program descriptions can be found throughout individual program types. 

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Types of Programs

exchange student raising hands

Exchange Student Programs

CPP students enroll as a visiting student at an international university and a student from the host institution comes to Cal Poly Pomona. CPP students pay their regular CPP tuition. 
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CSU International Program (IP)

Offered through the CSU Chancellor's office, these programs are year-long. Students can take courses toward their major or one year of foreign language.

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CPP-Affiliated Programs

CPP is affiliated with a host of third-party providers who have programs all over the world and have a range of majors and country offerings.  

Other Program Types

Internships Abroad 

Internships abroad allow students to gain work experience in a new culture and earn academic credit. 

Research Abroad 

Research abroad can be done in conjunction with faculty or conducted independently, and can encompass a wide variety of fields. 

Service-Learning Abroad 

Service-learning opportunities usually include partnering with local community organizations and address a variety of social, economic, environmental or health challenges facing the community. 

Independent Study 

An individual learning experience abroad (conferences, seminars, etc.) Students can coordinate directly with faculty or department for these opportunities.   

Programs not sponsored by CPP 

Students may have the option to participate in non-CPP programs administered by other institutions or organizations. Students have to proactively make arrangements with a host program and work closely with the Office of Study Abroad and their academic or faculty advisers to ensure approval and credit transfer. Students pay the host institution or organization directly. 


CEU Footer

CEU Footer

College of the Extended University Study Abroad
3801 W. Temple Ave.
Bldg 1-104
Pomona CA 91768
Phone: 909-869-3267
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday 
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM