
Students Create "Women in Ag" Club

November 4, 2022

A group of Cal Poly Pomona plant science students has started a club for women in agriculture with the help of faculty and staff.

The Women in Agriculture Club seeks to empower female students by connecting them with women who are already in the industry. The students hope to learn from professionals who will speak to them or lead workshops that develop students’ confidence and skills, particularly in assertive communication.

“We want to connect with those women who are already in the industry to learn from – and be encouraged – to continue our growth,” said Brenda Gomez, a plant science transfer student and the club’s inaugural president. “We want to learn how to stand up for ourselves professionally and make sure that we are being given the opportunity that we earn in this industry.”

“We hope to engender a safe place to make mistakes while we learn and get better,” she added. “Having a safe space where you are validated and empowered helps keep our students motivated and encouraged to continue pursuing their education and goals in a male-dominated industry.”

The idea grew out of discussions Gomez had with fellow female classmates while pruning trees at Spadra Farm as part of the Plant Science I lab class.

The students expressed how they felt that women were not well represented in agriculture and how they wanted more women in leadership to help them grow and be prepared to work in the industry.

They went to plant science Lecturer Tracey Takeuchi, who suggested they created a club. The students subsequently got their new club chartered as an on-campus organization, with Takeuchi and Greenhouse Nursery Community Outreach Coordinator Kelsey Swayze agreeing to serve as co-advisors.

“Their support was the first time I felt that my feelings were validated as a woman in agriculture, and I realized that there were more women feeling what I felt, and we all wanted positive change,” Gomez said. “That fueled me to make this club happen. It wasn’t just me who needed it.”

In addition to Gomez, the club has the following officers:

  • Vice President/Treasurer Stacy Montoya-Chavez
  • Media Representative Arianda Cass
  • Secretary Sage Drohan
  • Club Representative Nayeli Ramirez.

The club held its first general meeting in September and hosted a rock-painting craft booth at the annual Cal Poly Pomona Pumpkin Fest.

In addition, the club welcomed its first guest speaker, Professor Eileen Cullen, the plant science department chair, in October and is currently seeking more, including any alumni who are interested.

The Women in Ag Club is on Instagram and soliciting monetary donations to help cover start-up costs and club activities during the Bronco Launchpad crowdfunding campaign. Donors can give until Nov. 29.