Strategic Plan

Our Vision

Fostering curiosity and a culture of scientific discovery

Our Mission

Educate, mentor, and inspire students through scientific inquiry and hands-on learning

Core Values

Curiosity, Integrity, Collaboration, Inclusivity, Innovation


Strategic Plan

Strategic Discovery  team comprised of faculty and staff from across the college, began a strategic planning process to define a new college-wide vision and identify goals and strategies that will strengthen the value we bring to our students and other stakeholders. 

We are pleased to announce the completion of our plan!

The strategic plan was developed using an inclusive and collaborative process that invited a variety of key stakeholders to participate. Focus groups and interviews were conducted with faculty, staff, students, alumni, and donors to gain a thorough understanding of the current situation and desired future outcomes for the college. In total over 2,000 comments were analyzed to develop this plan. Our vision, mission, and core values support key focus areas and goals expressed by you, our college members. 

Click the image to download a PDF of the Strategic Plan 2025 booklet (PDF):

strategic plan booklet cover

Hard copies of the Strategic Plan 2025 booklet are available at the Dean's Office.


What’s Next?

As we move from strategic planning to strategic "doing," the College of Science launched three short-term strategic initiative projects in November. Faculty and staff volunteers came together around framing questions that reflect issues of high importance to us. Each team held a kick-off meeting to identify opportunities for "small wins" and then identified their Big Easy − an opportunity with the optimal combination of impact and ease that would advance them toward their ultimate goal.

  • Team 1 is focused on best teaching practices and training and, as their first step, is identifying current resources available for new COS instructors.
  • Team 2 has identified the need to connect CoS students to research experiences, internships and career opportunities by leveraging social media.
  • Team 3 is looking at resource needs for future growth and will first conduct a college-wide space inventory.

In addition to these three project teams, the CoS leadership team is working on two projects targeting our college goal to create a thriving CoS culture. The first project is focused on promoting activities that target wellness and community and has an initial goal of gaining your feedback about content and meaningful events. The second project is to create a new college-level Seminar Series and will initially identify current departmental seminars and how to effectively promote them across the college.

All of the teams are using a disciplined approach to project advancement based on the principles of Agile Development. Kathy Opp and Jenny Weaver from K2OHSolutions are supporting these teams through initial training and short monthly meetings. We will keep you updated as the teams progress on their projects and welcome your feedback throughout this process.

Thank you all for your participation in the strategic planning process.  I encourage everyone to find your passion and lend your talents to help us attain the vision we have imagined and that we know is possible.


Why do we need a college strategic plan?   As one of the most diverse colleges within the university we have the opportunity to establish a clear and achievable vision, coupled with exciting and motivating goals for the next five to ten years. Doing so will require taking a deep look at what it means to be a member of the College of Science within the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.

What is strategic planning?   Strategic planning is an organizational activity used to set priorities, focus energy and resources, and to strengthen commitment by members of the organization to work toward common, agreed upon goals. It is a disciplined effort that produces key decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organization is, who it serves, what it does, and why it does it, with a focus on the future. Effective strategic planning identifies not only where an organization is going and the actions needed to make progress, but also how it will know if it is successful.

What is a Vision Statement?   A vision statement is the clear and inspirational long-term desired condition or change resulting from organizational work and programs. For example, the Vision statement of the Alzheimer’s Association: Our vision is a world without Alzheimer’s.

What is the purpose of a Mission Statement?   An organization’s mission answers the questions – Who We Are, Who We Serve and What We do.  The mission statement will focus on what the College of Science does for its members and community. For example, the Mission statement for the New York Public Library: To inspire lifelong learning, advance knowledge, and strengthen our communities.

What is a Strategic Plan?   A strategic plan is a document used to communicate to organization members, the agreed upon goals, the actions needed to achieve those goals, how success is measured and all of the other critical elements developed during the planning process. 

How long will the process take?   A   Strategic Discovery  team will work with our strategic plan facilitators,  K2OHSolutions, LLC,  to analyze quantitative and qualitative data and develop the strategic plan. The team will meet approximately monthly and with an anticipated timeline to completion by end of June 2019.



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