Science Can Take You Places

Students, faculty and staff from all walks of life come to Cal Poly Pomona to transform lives - their own and those of others. We encourage people to dream big and we help them make their dreams come true.

Whether you dream of finding a cure for cancer, or exploring the depths of the ocean, or the farthest reaches of the universe, the College of Science can help you pursue that dream.

At Cal Poly Pomona College of Science you’ll be taught and mentored by world-class teacher-scholars for whom teaching isn’t just a job, it’s a vocation.

You’ll learn alongside colleagues who are as passionate as you are about science. When you’re not studying, you’ll find many opportunities for fun and friendship. You’ll be able to conduct research and present your findings to the scientific community through symposiums, or co-write work published in peer-reviewed journals.

When you leave, you’ll be prepared for graduate school, or to start work in your field, applying the knowledge you gained at CPP. You’ll join the ranks of alumni who are now working as scientists, doctors, technicians, and educators.

And you’ll be prepared to meet work and life challenges with creativity, revel in the discoveries you make along the way, and share innovative solutions that improve the world. 

Explore the College of Science.