Freshman Students
Waitlist Information
If you are offered a space on our waitist, you must accept no later than April 1.
We will re-evaluate our capacity to admit any additional students from the waitlist after deposits have been received by the May 1 deadline. We will communicate with applicants about their waitlist status after this date.
The only thing we ask of our applicants is to opt-in to the waitlist by the deadline indicated in the waitlist offer communication. Applicants are not advised to submit any letters of recommendation, writing samples, or additional information.
The only thing we ask of our applicants is to opt-in to the waitlist by the deadline indicated in the waitlist offer communication. Applicants are not advised to submit any letters of recommendation, writing samples, or additional information.
If offered admission from the waitlist, applicants will be able to accept their offer in your Bronco Applicant Portal.
Unfortunately, even though students may be clearly competitive for admission based on their academic record, we are only able to admit a portion of qualified students given the space we have available
We do not rank-order our waitlist in any way, therefore we are unable to tell you what number or how high or low you are on the waitlist.
If you selected an alternate major during the time of your application, you may be considered for your alternate major based upon availability. Please note, we cannot guarantee that you will be placed in your alternate major.
Applicants who are CSU eligible and California residents will be redirected to another CSU campus by the Chancellor’s Office. Please visit CSU Redirection for more information.
Applicants may appeal their waitlist decision; however, an applicant must present new and compelling information. If an applicant’s appeal is denied, they will remain on the waitlist.
Please keep in mind that only one appeal can be turned in per cycle.