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CPP Choice

A new pathway to Cal Poly Pomona

CPP Choice is an innovative program at Cal Poly Pomona designed to provide undergraduate applicants with an opportunity to explore specific majors that align with their interests and career goals. Recognizing that not every qualified applicant can be offered admission to their desired major, the program offers a curated selection of 3-5 "choice majors," identified by the college deans, that will lead to exciting career opportunities.  CPP Choice allows applicants to broaden their understanding of not only what CPP has to offer, but their career aspirations.

CPP Choice

Major Changes/Selection

CPP Choice major options are on a space available basis. Options provided may change when majors reach capacity.

  • Why am I getting this offer/why can’t I have the major I applied for too?
    • CPP receives more qualified applicants than we can accommodate to the major you applied too. CPP Choice is a new pathway that will still allow you to attend our institution in a major that aligns with your academic and career objectives. 
  • If I accept one of these other majors, can I switch my major later? 
    • Incoming students can request to have their major changed after their first year at CPP, but please keep in mind that major changes are never guaranteed. Since there is a possibility that a major change will not be approved, you must be okay with graduating in the choice major you are selecting.  

  • What if I give you a transcript with better grades?
    • Admission decisions are based on self-reported information on the application. For Freshman applicants, only 10th and 11th grade grades are used when calculating a GPA . For Transfer applicants, all transferable college coursework is used to calculate a GPA. Changes in grades are unlikely to significantly impact your admission profile. We believe that CPP Choice is the best pathway for you to attend CPP.  
  • Can I appeal this offer?
    • Appeals cannot be filed until an official university admission denial has been rendered.  You have not technically been denied from the university, so we do not recommend appealing this offer as applicants are only allowed one appeal per academic cycle. 

  • What if I can’t log in to the CPP Choice form?
    • A Claim Your Account e-mail was sent upon completion of your application, but we also sent another e-mail a few days ago. If you still have not received this, please email with your full name and date of birth so we can resend the communication.
  • Do I still need to submit my Intent to Enroll?
    • Once you select your choice major, you will receive an official acceptance letter in 2-3 business days. All admitted students will need to submit their Intent to Enroll (PDF) by June 1, 2024. 

Program Descriptions

* Offered to transfer applicants 

College of Agriculture major selections for CPP Choice 



Major  Program Description
Agricultural Science *

California is the nation's number one agricultural state. Learning about all aspects of "the new agriculture" can lead to careers in management and education. The state is in need of high school agriculture teachers, with more than a third of California high schools having agriculture education programs. Last year, Cal Poly Pomona graduates averaged 13 teaching offers upon graduation. 

Career Opportunities: Education, Industry Management  

Agribusiness & Food Industry Management*

A bachelor’s degree in agribusiness and food industry management will prepare you for a wide range of opportunities. Graduates have secured careers throughout the supply chain, including in agricultural production, food manufacturing, transportation, wholesaling, and retailing. Government agencies also offer a multitude of opportunities to graduates. For example, opportunities abound at county agricultural commissioners’ departments, the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), and the USDA.

Career Opportunities: Agriculture, Food Manufacturing, Research, Consulting, Produce Industry, Wholesaling/Distribution, Government Service

Apparel Merchandising & Management

The apparel production and distribution sector is a major component of the US economy. In addition to apparel manufacturing, international trading, and retailing activities, it embraces many specialist supporting sectors, including the media, logistics, business consulting, textiles, and equipment manufacturing. Southern California is home to a vibrant apparel sector, the largest in the nation. Renowned as a leading international fashion center, the Los Angeles area contains many top apparel brands and retail groups. It is also an incubator for dynamic new apparel companies based on the California lifestyle.

Career Opportunities: Large array of careers in the fashion, textile, retail, apparel, accessories, footwear and beauty industries,  Fashion design, Technical Design, Product development, Production, Merchandising, Buying, Promotion, Marketing, Omni channel retailing, Planning and allocation, Retail store management, Logistics, Operations, Entrepreneurship, Education, Research

Food Science & Technology

Our BS Food Science and Technology program, the sole program endorsed by both the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) and the Research Chefs Association (RCA) within Southern California, integrates chemistry, microbiology, statistics, engineering, and processing technology for developing healthy, flavorful foods with improved processing, shipping, and longevity. Offering three specialized options, graduates enter a high-demand field with promising career in industry, government, and academia. 

Career Opportunities: Food Product or Ingredient Development Scientist, Sensory Scientist, Food Microbiologist or Food Safety Expert, Food Chemist, Food Process and Packaging Design Engineer, Quality Control Supervisor, Food Plant Production Supervisor or Manager, Ingredient, Product, or Equipment Sales, Representative/Manager, Regulatory Affairs Specialist


A bachelor's degree in nutrition can prepare you for either graduate school or endless careers in the public and private sector. Graduates have gone on to be scientists, teachers, dieticians, health coaches, healthcare professionals, and much more. Public and government agencies such as the Peace Corps,  World Health Organization (WHO), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA) offer countless jobs for graduates with nutrition backgrounds. 

Career Opportunities: Education, Research, Consumer Advocacy, Wellness Education, Healthcare, Animal Care, Food/Pharmaceutical Science 

Plant Science

Everything we do in plant science ties to the environment and sustainability, with more career options than you thought possible. Shape urban landscape, engineer new plants to solve food and pharmaceutical problems, research and test crops, or create sustainable agriculture without the use of harmful chemicals. Graduates have gone on to work in large agricultural and horticultural businesses, country clubs and golf courses, city governments parks organizations, and state and federal departments of food and agriculture. 

Career Opportunities: Research, Biotechnology, Government Regulation, Environment and Natural Resource Management, Water Management, Golf Course/Turf Management, Education


* Offered to Transfer applicants 

College of Business major selection for CPP Choice

Major Program Description 
Computer Information Systems*

The Computer Information Systems (CIS) program focuses on utilizing computing technology to solve business problems. Students will learn cutting-edge technologies and problem-solving techniques to develop business applications. Our program is designed to keep pace with current technologies, ensuring that CIS students acquire marketable knowledge and skills for their careers.

Career Opportunities: Information Technology, Information Systems, Applications Development, Internet Security, Computer Forensics, Business Intelligence 


E-Business (EBZ) is booming and the requirement for effective supply chain is becoming more and more challenging. Fifteen years ago, consumers are happy with free shipping but lengthy wait. Nowadays, they want the right product and they want it in a day. The competitive advantages from supply chain management and e-Business are becoming the game changers for the business world.

Career Opportunities: Customer Relationship Management, Demand Management, Service and Manufacturing Flow Management, Quality Management

International Business

International Business provides a foundation in the application of business principles to the marketing of goods and services in international and domestic markets. Courses include international marketing, global business, international business strategy, international business law, and more.

Career Opportunities: Marketing Management, Professional Selling, Advertising, Market Research, Retailing, Industrial Marketing, Brand Management, Transportation and Distribution Management

Management & Human Resources

With a degree in Management & Human Resources (MHR) students can become future managers, human resources professionals, and business owners. Students receive education and training in areas such as leadership development, ethics, management, employee hiring and retention, training development, employment law, and how to start a business. We prepare our students to become future managers, human resources professionals, and business owners.

Career Opportunities: Management, Human Resources, Entrepreneurship

Technology & Operations Management

Improving business processes during the era of technology innovation has always been a challenge for organizations. This program emphasizes the efficiency and productivity of business processes with the help of technology, and covers knowledge in both production operation and service operation. Students will gain knowledge regarding fundamental principles in manufacturing and service operations, and advanced topics such as management of technology, managing projects, and managing quality.

Career Opportunities: Manufacturing and Service Operations, Technology Management, Project Management, Quality Assurance and Management


College of Education and Integrative Studies major selections for CPP Choice

Major  Program Description
Early Childhood Studies

The Early Childhood Studies (ECS) program is distinctive because the major emphasizes the first eight years of life and the significance of this period in children's overall development. While at Cal Poly Pomona, Early Childhood Studies students learn processes important for early childhood development and identify implications of theory in the examination and application of principles and practices within diverse family, program, and community contexts.

Career Opportunities: Infant-toddler/Preschool/Elementary education, Careers in home visiting, Family support programs, Post-baccalaureate degree programs, Careers that focus on working with young children and families.

Liberal Studies

Liberal Studies provides an interdisciplinary education with cultivated coursework across the arts, humanities, and sciences to gain high-caliber critical thinking, communication skills, and problem-solving through encountering pressing issues like sustainability, social justice/social responsibility, and well-being. Aspiring elementary and special education teachers will gain subject matter competence. This program also has a PolyX Pathway (Signature Polytechnic experience) with courses at the beginning, middle, and end, where students learn through intensive mentorship from professors and collaboration with peers in real-world settings, like schools and community organizations, to learn academic content and develop workplace skills.

Career Opportunities: Elementary Education, Special Education, Human Services, Non-Profit Administration, Public Health, and Health Professions Graduate School



* Offered to Transfer applicants

College of Engineering major selections for CPP Choice



Major  Program Description 
Chemical Engineering 

Chemical engineers design processes to convert raw materials into useful products, and materials, for energy, biomedical and structural applications. They develop useful products such as food, pharmaceuticals, and fuels by combining theory and practice from chemistry, physics, biology, math, and engineering. 

Career Opportunities: Petrochemistry, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Food Processing & Engineering, Environmental Engineering

Construction Engineering & Management

Construction (or project) managers coordinate all disciplines of civil engineering (architect, structure, geotech, etc.) to build the desired facility. Construction managers make sure that construction projects complete on time, manage costs to complete the project under budget, and oversee the on-site construction activities to ensure the quality and safety performance of the project. 

Career Opportunities: Field Engineer, Project Engineer, Superintendent, Project Manager 

Electromechanical Systems Engineering Technology*

Electromechanical engineering technologists enhance mechanical and electrical processes, and products that make a difference in people’s lives. Graduates have a broad background covering mechanical and manufacturing technology applications. 

Career Opportunities: Systems Engineering, Product Engineering, Robotics

Electronic Systems Engineering Technology 

In today’s complex world, electronics, computers, and communications permeate every facet of our lives, and will do even more so in the future. Graduates have a broad background in electrical and electronic technology applications.    

Career Opportunities:  Systems Engineering, Automation, Robotics, Test Engineering  

Industrial Engineering *

Industrial engineers help companies and society by developing systems, processes, and products that are better, faster, greener, and less costly. They create quantitative models and use rich and diverse sources of data, artificial intelligence, and other techniques to design systems that incorporate robotics, additive manufacturing, and other computer-controlled processes. 

Career Opportunities: Industrial Engineering, Process Engineering, Supply Chain Engineering 

Manufacturing Engineering *

Manufacturing engineers plan, develop, and optimize the processes and systems of production. They improve product quality and manufacturing productivity by developing better assembling, testing, and fabricating systems. 

Career Opportunities: Design Engineering, Project Engineering, Quality Engineering 


* Offered to Transfer applicants 

College of Environmental Design major selections for CPP Choice

Major  Program Description
Art History *

Art history is an academic discipline concerned with the production, consumption, and experience of art, architecture, design, mass media, and other artifacts that manifest themselves visually or tangibly. Art historians may study any period, region, or cultural tradition. To analyze the so-called “visual culture” of every period and place, and to understand its relationship to cultural contexts and social functions, art historians may employ diverse methodologies. 

Career Opportunities: Museum Education, Museum Curation, Collections Management, Arts Business (Auction Houses, Galleries, etc.), Art Editing/Publishing, Art Law (e.g. intellectual property), Art Conservation  

Landscape Architecture*

Landscape Architects design the public realm. Understanding ecology and culture, Landscape Architects give shape and form to gardens, parks and plazas while their work can extend to the management and conservation of our shared publics wildlands. The curriculum provides a foundation of professional skillsets with emphasis in design, visual communication, ecology, planning processes, plants and planting design, site engineering methods, sustainability, and history. Instruction fosters the development of creative and problem-solving abilities, communication skills, technical knowledge, environmental and cultural awareness, and professionalism within a highly collaborative design community.

Career Opportunities:  Landscape Architect, Landscape Design, Environmental Science, Landscape Science, Horticulture, Urban Design, Environmental Planning

Urban & Regional Planning*

Urban and regional planning is dedicated to helping society manage change through sensitive and informed decision-making. Planners work in cities and regions to guide the sustainable future of communities. Their work affects urban design, transportation systems, environmental quality, jobs creation, and socioeconomic equality and opportunity. Courses prepares students to define issues and implement solutions to improve the quality of life of the natural and built environments in ways that promote social justice, rooted in an understanding of social change

Career Opportunities: Community/City Planning, Housing/Community Development, Economic Development, Transportation Planning, Historic Preservation, Environmental Planning

Visual Communication Design*

Visual Communication Designers create images that may interpret, inform, instruct, persuade, or entertain. This work addresses audience, content, and context, while meeting functional communication needs. We are concerned with the physical, cultural, societal, and technological aspects of creating visual work, whether that work is print-based design, interactive media, or environments. 

Career Opportunities: Graphic Design, Interactive Media  

* Offered to Transfer applicants 

College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences major selections for CPP Choice 

Major  Program Description 

Unleash your inner explorer! Dive into the vibrant tapestry of human experience as an anthropology major. Analyze diverse cultures, societies, and behaviors through hands-on fieldwork and critical thinking. All our options train and prepare students for careers in anthropology, both inside universities and industry, and for careers in applied anthropology and ethnography. Professionals with applied anthropology and archaeology are in high demand as user experience experts for tech companies, in creating and implementing public health initiatives, and in urban planning and design. Anthropology isn't just textbooks and lectures; it's a boots-on-the-ground exploration across the globe, including in Greece, Italy, South Africa, Kenya, Thailand, Peru, Mexico, Belize, and in the US. 

Career Opportunities: Policy Advocacy, Archaeology, Human Rights Advocacy, Cultural Resource Management, Community Development and Construction, Historic Preservation, Museum Curation


Communication majors gain a robust set of knowledge and skills through practical, hands-on courses taught by dedicated faculty. Our programs in Communication Studies, Multimedia Journalism, and Public Relations provide real-world experiences in areas like multimedia production, crisis communication, and strategic campaigns. Students have the opportunity to work with real-world clients to plan department- and university-wide events and create strategic campaigns. Several of our classes offer micro-internships and service-learning through partnerships with on-campus and nonprofit organizations. You will graduate fully prepared for meaningful careers in media, business, government, nonprofits, and more.

Career Opportunities: Public Relations, Advertising, Journalism, Media Production, Public Interest Advocacy.


Our Bachelor in Science degree reflects our focus on problem-solving skills using statistics and mathematics. Skills are introduced in principles courses, reinforced in theoretical and applied courses, and mastered in the Senior Seminar where students receive significant levels of mentorship to conduct faculty-guided research. The Applied Economics option prepares students for employment in business and government, Masters in Business programs, or Law School. Quantitative Economics prepares students for technical positions in Finance, Data Analysis, or Actuarial Science. The General Economics option prepares students for careers in public policy. All graduates have a marketable analysis skills, and a flexible world view useful for obtaining rewarding careers and becoming engaged citizens.

Career Opportunities: Urban Planning, Public Policy, Environmental Resource Management, Government, Public Law, Business 


Our English program is full of innovative classes where you can learn by doing. Students studying Applied Linguistics can study abroad in Bangkok where they live in the dorms at a Thai university and serve as assistant English instructors. Our innovative Polytechnic Experience classes include Creative Writing: Worldbuilding, which develops writing skills for game design, or Journal Publishing, where students publish a literary journal. The department hosts an annual student research conference where you can present the research you’ve done in one of your linguistics or literature classes. These experiences enrich you as a person and future professional, and develop a sense of community.

Career Opportunities: Education, Research, Media, Publishing, Marketing, Speech Pathology, Linguistics 

Gender, Ethnicity and Multicultural Studies

With a GEMS (Gender, Ethnic and Multicultural Studies) degree you will acquire a critical and comparative understanding of our diverse global society. Graduates with GEMS degree know how to question assumptions, think critically about information, and have the skills to lead with people of different ethnicities, cultures, backgrounds, and gender identities. Understanding and changing behavior is essential to solving problems such housing shortages, climate change, and a fractured society. With the ability to put words to the range of human experiences, our alumni work in their communities as organizers and leaders as they influence education, public policy and public health decisions.

Career Opportunities: Law, Community Service, Education, Social Work, Public Policy, Public Health, Urban Planning


Embark on a voyage of discovery! Geography isn't just maps, it's a bridge between human behavior, environmental forces, and cutting-edge technology like GIS. Dive into urban growth, sustainability, and wildlife migration patterns, developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills coveted across industries. This major equips you with skills in high demand across various industries, including utilities, natural resources management, city planning, and environmental organizations. You’ll have opportunities to present your research at conferences, connect with experts, and become a champion for a better world. Start your geography adventure today!

Career Opportunities: Urban Planning, Public Policy, Environmental Resource Management, Government, Public Interest Advocacy 


History majors deepen their understanding of the past and its continuing relevance on both a particular and global scale. A versatile major, it serves as an excellent preparation for law school, foreign service, and positions in the public or private sector that involve research, analysis, and presentation. 

Career Opportunities: Education, Law, Museum Curation, Government, Business, Archives, Politics 

Science, Technology & Society *

The Science, Technology, and Society (STS) Major combines training in a science or technology field with a broad social, historical, and ethical perspective to examine the impact of science and technology on societies. Students get the broad background needed to address complex problems that come with development of technologies that, while aimed to improve our lives can have the effect of reorganizing human existence, for better or worse. Majors prepare for a wide range of careers in which a scientific and technology background is crucial, along with the ability to clearly and persuasively communicate —including such jobs as science and technology-related public policy, public interest advocacy, law, and journalism, and in aspects of business such as information privacy.

Career Opportunities: Law, Public Policy, Cultural Resource Management, Government, Public Interest Advocacy


Majors in Sociology or Criminology are prepared for the real world through a holistic approach to education, research, and professional activities, aligning with CPP’s "learning by doing" philosophy. Students actively participate in practical experiences such as internships, service learning, community engagement, Polyx courses, and undergraduate research. These opportunities nurture critical, analytical, theoretical, methodological, and communication skills, essential for understanding inequality and advocating for social justice. Our majors lay a strong foundation for careers in law, social welfare, urban planning, business, education, public health, and pave the way for advanced graduate studies

Career Opportunities: Social Services, Public Policy, Social Work, Activism, Non-Profit, Education, Community Organization



* Offered to Transfer applicants 

College of Science major selections for CPP Choice

Major  Program Description

Biotechnology major is an interdisciplinary program which provides students with a strong background in both biology and chemistry. It provides the theoretical and practical knowledge needed to understand the numerous industrial applications of biological phenomena, while emphasizing the study of cell and molecular biology.

Career Opportunities: Bioengineering, Bioinformatics, Food/Plant/Animal Research and Development, Pharmaceutical Research, Pharmaceutical Production


The CPP Chemistry major is a flexible program of study designed to prepare students for careers in private industry and government or for highly diverse graduate study. Options include General Chemistry, Biochemistry, and American Chemical Society (ACS), whereby students will graduate ACS certified.

Career Opportunities: Chemist, Chemical Development, Forensic Research, Forensic Science, Pharmacology, Education

Environmental Biology

The Environmental Biology major is designed for students who want to help solve the environmental problems threatening the organisms and life support systems of our planet. Emphases include: 1) Ecology, Conservation, and Biodiversity and 2) Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology

Career Opportunities: Ecology, Conservation, Water/Air Quality Research, Environmental Health

Geology *

Geology majors acquire skills applicable to careers in the Geosciences through hands-on learning methods, faculty-mentored research, and exposure to current technology. The Department's programs provide a global perspective for problem solving, decision making and leadership roles in a changing world.  

Career Opportunities:  Geohazard Investigation, Water Resource Evaluation, Geotechnical Assessment, Mineral Exploration, Sustainable Green Technologies 

Mathematics *

The field of mathematics invites creativity, exploration, and discovery. Mathematicians and statisticians write proofs, make conjectures, run computer simulations, analyze data, study how people learn, and build mathematical models, and we do this in community with one another. Mathematicians, mathematics educators, and statisticians work in scientific industries, teach, conduct research, and serve in a variety of governmental and non-profit agencies. 

Career Opportunities: Research, Data Science, Statistician, Actuary, Government  

Physics *

Physics is a science that uses a mix of mathematical calculations and precise measurements to study every aspect of the natural world, from atoms and light to stars and galaxies and everything in between. We try to understand the natural world in terms of fundamental principles like energy conservation and use computer models and laboratory instruments to study both pure and applied problems. 

Career Opportunities: Engineering, Computer Programming, Medical Imaging, Material Science, Astronomy


Collins College major selections for CPP Choice
Major  Program Description
Hospitality Management 

A degree in Hospitality Management provides a combination of hospitality management, business, and general education coursework designed to assure that students understand the economic, legal, and social forces that shape the hospitality industry. Major coursework emphasizes qualitative and quantitative analysis, marketing and human resources. The program objectives include team building, unique characteristics of service, guest encounter skills, technology, critical thinking, ethics and leadership.

Career Opportunities: Food and beverage, Lodging and Resorts, Travel and Tourism, Country Clubs and Golf Clubs, Special Events, Sports and Attractions, Conventions and Tradeshows