Office of Admissions

Freshman Admission FAQ

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Cal Poly Pomona is excited to welcome incoming Broncos to campus! We know that the admission process can be confusing and we want to help make it easier. Our FAQ below will help answer any questions our newly admitted students may have.

College Credits & External Exams

Yes, you are allowed to take summer courses leading up to Fall enrollment.

Student will continue to earn general education or lower-division major credits if they completed AP exams with scores of 3, 4, or 5 in a CSU-accepted Advanced Placement (AP) Exam.​

View our AP Examination Credit (PDF).

The deadline to submit external exam scores is July 15th. Please send scores as soon as they are made available to ensure timely processing of your credits course placement. 

Scores need to be sent directly from the testing agency:

Please note, our school code is 4082

Cal State Apply Code is 3594

General Admission Questions

The only classes available to incoming CPP students are for those that are required to take Early Start. Traditional college credit courses will not be offered.


All new students are provisionally admitted based on self-reported information from your Cal State Apply application. You will remain as provisionally admitted until your final high school transcript is received and reviewed for admission requirements. Provisionally admitted students still move forward with other enrollment activities such as orientation and course registration.

Cal Poly Pomona does not defer admission, except in the following cases with required supporting documentation:

  • Military service, training or deployment
  • Difficulties obtaining a student visa for US study
  • Extenuating circumstances as a result of significant medical reasons

If you are requesting a deferment, you must provide evidence documenting your reason for an admission deferral. Deferments will only be approved up to one academic year. 

Students must enroll for the term for which they were admitted.  The campus does not allow for a “leave of absence” or enrollment “stop out” for one’s first term at the university.  If you are not ready to begin your studies at CPP this Fall 2024, you must reapply for admission for a different term.

Pass & No Pass Grades

As a result of COVID-19, Cal Poly Pomona will accept grades of "credit" or "pass" to satisfy A-G requirements completed during Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall 2020 and during Winter, Spring or Summer 2021.

The CSU expects and assumes that high school P (CR) grades will represent work completed at the C- or higher level.

As a result of COVID-19, we will accept P/NP or C/NC for “a-g” courses completed in the Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall 2020 terms and during Winter, Spring or Summer 2021 terms. This means that for Fall 2022 and future admission cycles, Pass/Credit grades will be accepted for “a-g” courses taken in the Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall 2020 terms and during Winter, Spring or Summer 2021 terms.

As a result of COVID-19, a grade of Pass/Credit will meet the A-G subject requirements but will not be calculated in the GPA. The CSU will continue to calculate the GPA for admission purposes using all “a-g” courses that have letter grades in grades 10 and 11, including summer terms following grades 9, 10 and 11.

The final GPA is based on grades earned in all approved college preparatory “a-g” courses taken after 9th grade through graduation.

​Extra points in honors-level coursework will continue to be capped at 8 semesters of honors points maximum in “a-g” courses completed with letter grades.

As a result of COVID-19, the CSU expects and assumes that high school Pass/Credit grades represent work completed at the C- or higher level. Therefore, a Pass (Credit) grade in a higher level math or LOTE course earned in Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall 2020 terms and during Winter, Spring or Summer 2021 terms will validate D or F grades in lower level math or LOTE courses. The Pass (Credit) grade will also validate the omission of lower levels of math (excluding Geometry) or LOTE. Math and LOTE are the only A-G subjects for which UC allows validation.​